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A new person rises out of Henry Stoll but this new soul is grimly incisive. This is Harvey.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Henry Stoll."

"Who are you?"

"I am the other darker side of you, your worst enemy. I praise death and darkness while I loathe joy, happiness, and light. I aim to destroy your life bit by bit starting with small things and slowly working my way up to the largest and worst thing of all. I am yourself. I am Harvey."

"Why do you want to do this to me? Why now,"

I asked.

"Because I have been inside you all along, but you push me down like an unused and unloved toy under the bed. I have been raging inside you and now I am going to make you and others see this rage. Everyone has a worst version of themselves but they never show it. Now the world will see this."

Harvey continued;

"First I will start small, with a drop of coffee on the rug, this is when you will realize that your journey through pain has started. Then these inconveniences will become issues, and after that life changing decisions that you must make. The offer that seems right will be tempting and have dangerous outcomes. Subsequent to this stage, you will do my will without knowing. Like parasomnia, you will do everything you would otherwise refuse."


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