Chapter 3

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"WHOS A GOOD KITTY," Jungwoo cooed as he petted the ginger tabby. Sicheng let out a sigh of relief. At least Jungwoo forgot about the fish that got eaten. 

"Me!" The kitten squealed with delight. 

Something prodded Sicheng's shoulder. "Mama!" One-year-old Dusk said. 

Sicheng scratched Dusk's chin. "What is it?" He hummed. 

Ten looked at Sicheng and Dusk in a weird way. "You two have an.....interesting relationship," He commented. "Ever asked her to call you something else?"

Sicheng shook his head. "She can call me whatever she wants," He stated firmly. "ANd just because you're one year older than me doesn't mean you can boss me around. hmph." 

"Grandpa!" Dusk agreed, flicking her sandy brown tail at Ten. 

"Hey!" Ten shouted. "I wasn't bossing you around! I was making a suggestion," Ten pointed out. "....And I would never boss you around," He added. "You're too cute for that." 

"By the way...." Ten and Sicheng looked in the direction of Jungwoo and the kitten. "Does he have a name or are you naming that stray something?" 

"I have a name!" the kitten hissed. "My name is Nakomoto Yuta, and I am not a stray!" Yuta made a sulking sound and planted his butt right beside Jungwoo, glaring at Ten. 

"h-huh why is everybody looking at me?" Ten fretted. "Whatever the heck did I do?" 

"HECK IS A BAD WORD!" Jungwoo screamed to the world. 

"HECKKKKKKKK!" Yuta the kitten chorused. 

Jungwoo gasped. "No! You n-no say word heck! bad word! Yuta say heck no!" 

"Oh damn!" Yuta sighed. "I'll go bother Johnny Hyung then! Ten, do you want to come along?" 

But then at that moment, a loud, piercing sound was heard as Yuta the kitten was slowly getting to his somewhat short feet. The small creature was only just a kitten, you see. 

Only that sound was merely the school bell ringing. 

The neos slowly walked back into the classroom to eat lunch. Today was a very important day because the neos I forgot how old they were whatever they were going to choose their careers today!

Jungwoo munched happily on his rice, all memory of the fish incident forgotten. "Johnny sir," He said politely, "What career interests you?" 

"I don't know," Johnny admitted. "But I reckon Witchcraft might suit me most, from what Her  Majesty has informed me." 

"You want to be a wizard?" Taeil asked. 

Johnny nodded. "What about you?" 

"Jungwoo, what do you want to sign up for?" Taeil asked hurriedly, avoiding Johnny's question. The tallest shrugged and went back to finishing his lunch. 



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