Chapter 1

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Author note (read if you want) : This may not be as detailed as some may want but it still explains what's happening good enough. Please keep in mind this was made when I was a lot younger and I didn't have a very big vocabulary and I'm just a legit dumbass so it's not super detailed like I wanted it to be. I didn't (and still don't) feel like retyping this so hahaha have this for now (May rewrite the book some other day, I assure you the next StarClan's Wrath book will be much better) also this is a WIP and is unedited so sorry!

This takes place after a devastating war broke out and caused many losses to all the clans for an unknown reason. The clans held a gathering and they decided to shift the blame to StarClan for allowing it happen. The clans began to rebel against Starclan, starting to forbid going the moonstone, skipping their ritual routines and more. This made StarClan furious. StarClan warned that any further rebel activities would result in punishment. It frightened some cats into stopping but the numbers of the rebels were too great. StarClan thought of a rather interesting punishment. It rained for days on end and showed no sign of stopping the rivers began to over flood and it didn't take a genius to figure out Starclan had done this. This was the punishment.

The territories were flooded, forcing all the clans to band together and flee. Some warriors and most of the medicine cats were meek and left the clans to form their own clan, called ConstellationClan, who seek StarClan's forgiveness. Hoping they'd be spared. The other clan cats refused in order to protect their pride and stay loyal to their clans. ConstellationClan cats were seen as traitors and weak by their former clan mates for running away so soon. But things were bound to get worse. The only injuries so far had been to their pride.
All the medicine cats had gathered and fled except one, the ShadowClan medicine cat, Slatewhisker. She had no apprentice. Soon enough, tsunamis terrorized the clans frequently. The only time the rain would stop was on full moons. When the clans held gatherings. Charredstar of Thunderclan, Sprintstar of Windclan and Trenchstar of Shadowclan decided to merge clans, making LochClan. Leader of RiverClan, Sorrelstar, refused, seeing they could swim gave them an advantage.

Some LochClan cats moved to RiverClan out of desperation and in hopes to increase their chances of survival. LochClan grows angry that RiverClan is taking away its cats. The three LochClan leaders argue over the issue constantly. Charredstar, the brawn and brutal. Sprintstar, the beauty and benevolent. Trenchstar, the brains and brooding. Charredstar challenges them to a duel. Basically, the last one standing is LochClan leader. Sprintstar and Trenchstar accept the challenge. (Starclan no longer heals an injured leader, meaning leaders no longer have 9 lives, only 1) Charredstar kills Sprintstar easily and slits Trenchstar's throat, leaving her to bled to death. A Windclan warrior named Troutflight witnesses this and is distraught that Charredstar killed WindClan's beloved leader. and now Charredstar is his leader. Troutflight couldn't take it anymore and left LochClan to join much more peaceful ConstellationClan. But first he couldn't help but tell his family goodbye. He informed his mate, Willowspring and his son, Drizzlekit. Troutflight offered to bring his son with him. Bad move. Willowspring became outraged and attacked Troutflight. Troutflight fought her off but the offer still stood. He explained it was for Drizzle'kits safety but Willowspring couldn't be convinced. Eventually Troutflight gave up and fled.
Willowspring raised Drizzlekit to hate his father and all ConstellationClan cats. Her bitterness and hatred began to rub off on Drizzlekit but he still had bits of kindness and generosity in his heart. Drizzlekit soon became Drizzlepaw and was mentored by a ginger-pinkish she-cat named Rosehip. The water began to rise and forced the clans to migrate to higher grounds in the cold mountains. The tsunamis grew more frequently and the deaths of cats became almost daily. More and more cats from LochClan joined RiverClan. This made Charredstar angry as cats began to respect RiverClan greatly until eventually, It was seen as the most powerful clan. Charredstar waged war on RiverClan. But RiverClan had greater numbers and LochClan was left with only a few cats. Charredstar sent a spies to learn how to swim like RiverClan so LochClan could win back the cats RiverClan had taken from them. Charredstar sent three spies, Brackenberry, Oakspine and Servalheart. Instead of learning the secrets of swimming the group found something rather shocking. They overheard that the RiverClan cats could not swim in the water that StarClan sent down upon them. Even the strongest and most experienced warrior couldn't last more than ten seconds in the water. But the warriors of RiverClan let the other cats believe they could swim in it. They were manipulating the other clans. Some warriors were clueless this was happening though. Gatherings weren't a thing now. The warrior code and old traditions meant nothing at this point. Once Bracken, Oak and Serval had enough information they fled but were caught by a RiverClan patrol. Serval was killed and Bracken had been taken prisoner but Oak had escaped with his life. He told Charredstar about the discovery. Charred was angry yet delighted, he could use this to win back the cats RiverClan had stole from LochClan. But would they believe him? Fear not, Charredstar had a plan for this.

Charredstar took a large group of LochClan cats to RiverClan camp and confronted the RiverClan leader, exchanging hostile glances. Charredstar announced RiverClan's secret. But many did not believe him. Charredstar grabbed Reedwhisker, the strongest warrior in RiverClan, by the scruff and threw them off the cliff, sending them plummeting into the water. "Swim RiverClan cat! Swim!" Charredstar chanted and watched the warrior struggle to keep his head above the surface of the water. The rest of the RiverClan cats watch in horror. The cat Charredstar threw into the water drowned/died. Charredstar was happy with himself with the way he got his point across. Many cats were angry with RiverClan for lying and horrified of Charredstar's actions. Many cats moved back to LochClan in fear of what would happen if they didn't and some stood their ground and stayed with RiverClan. Some cracked underneath the pressure and ran off to become loners or ConstellationClan cats. Anyways back to Drizzlepaw. Rosehip (His mentor) was one of the cats Charredstar took to RiverClan camp. She was traumatized and scared of what the waters could do. She became extremely paranoid and nervous not to slip up and drown. Drizzlepaw noticed this and helped her slowly gain her confidence back.

Time passed. RiverClan and LochClan fought bloody battles, losing big numbers on both sides and the new trend was drowning other cats. Mercy was now a thing in the past. Peace was never an option. During one of the battles. A young RiverClan cat named Blackwhisper just made a warrior 2 days ago and was already fighting the bloodiest battles. Rosehip flung herself at Blackwhisper but she jumped away just in time to dodge Rosehip's claws and send Rosehip plunging to her death. Ironic. The death she'd had been dreading actually occurred. Drizzlepaw heard of this and was forever heartbroken. They had a very strong bond. Drizzlepaw's hatred for RiverClan cats grew and he swore to avenge her death. Blackwhisper was never a malicious cat and she seemed equally horrified as Drizzlepaw but sympathy and honor was just another word for weak.

Drizzlepaw was fueled with anger and hate that night. Fantasizing of RiverClan's demise. A strange cat he'd never seen before appeared in his dreams. It was a large black, brown and white tom with piercing green eyes.

StarClan's Wrath: Drown | Warrior Cat OCs story (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now