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Watermelon Lemonade


Sylvia looked around at her office as she walked back inside. Everything seemed to be in its place. Which wasn't how she left it. Everything seemed clean or worse...missing. Yup...everything that mattered was gone. All her paperwork, all the boxes of research she had collected over the years on the railroad were missing.

She looked up at the rafters and realized even the cobwebs were gone. The audible sound of her teeth clenching made the atmosphere suddenly more hostile.

"Danny, you little bitch..." She growled and turned around and gasped when something hit her point blank. She fell to the ground, the blackened hole around her forehead was all that was left behind.


Back at the train station as the train had left moments ago. Shaw slowly left his small spot on the platform before going toward the pub he frequented in the off season. He sat down and sighed. The cold beer that was placed on the table in front of him wasn't from the bartender.

"Can I finish this first?" He asked to take a drink. He looked at the bottle and chuckled. "Hey the good stuff."

"You took care of my baby...tried to warn her not to drink the watermelon lemonade. If she hadn't she wouldn't have had to go to that hornet." Danny leaned back drinking her own. "For that, I'll forgive you." Danny looked up at him. Shaw looked amazed and almost awestruck by this information.

"You mean I'm..."

"Free? Yes...Sylvia is gone, and you can do whatever you want...go home." Danny took another drink and left a ticket on the table. Shaw looked at the ticket and then back at Danny, or rather where she would have been. He picked up the ticket and sighed.

" that's an odd word." He walked up to the platform and threw the ticket away. "I don't think she'll want me back anyways." He pulled his hat back down and took another drink of the beer as he walked back toward work. He had something good here...and Danny made sure he did good. Having an honest life there wasn't such a bad thing at all.

Danny walked up top and looked around. She did like the smell of the season. She wasn't that old when she was told she should come there. She had met a few good people out in Limon, although there was one she wished she had met. But today wasn't a day to worry about the past. She had the boxes of research sent to the beach to hide away and she would be there for a little while before Inky and Zareth showed up. Flying was always far faster than a train. Something she wouldn't have admitted to Farvile.

Well there was no way to hide from them. Might as well fly...She took to the sky in the morning air. Hopefully the take off would be hidden by the sun. She'd love to explain that one to Borg. He had known all along where she was, or rather Midnight did and she had to tell him. It was just a bit of fun...right? Keep Gaya away from the city. At least until she can figure out how to get her out of Inky. It was why she needed that research.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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