My room!

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I walked in my room. It was huge. It had blue carpet. A bed that was totally black. It had a black bed sheet with stampy logos all over it, a pillow that says "stampy is awesome!", daddy told me it came from mommy. Also I had a huge comforter with the stampy cat logo on it. Next to my bed was my clothes drawer. There was a lamp right next to my bed also. I saw a bag on my dresser. "Is this for me?" I asked mommy and daddy. They nodded. It was a stampy cat kindle!!! I thanked them and I saw much more. Also I had a bed that represented Squaishy. It was all blue. Next to that was my closet. It was huge. On my wall was a flat screen TV and under that was a small drawer I could put small things like pencils or something. I loved my room. I have the best mommy and daddy ever.

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