Bedtime once more

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Asia's POV
I was so stuffed that I became drowsy. Mommy buckled me in and she could tell I was tired. "If you need to rest, go ahead" She whispered and gave me the blanket. "Thank you" I moaned as my eyes started to close. I drifted off to sleep in the car. About an hour later we got home. I was still asleep so I didn't see or hear anything.
Squashiy's POV
I unbuckled Asia while stampy stretched. I Heard His back crack. I carried in Asia to her bed. I figured she might wanna change into her pjs so I woke her up. She moaned and wiped her eyes. "I figured you might wanna change into your pjs" I said smiling. She nodded. I left the room and waited for her to change into her pjs.
Asia's POV
I got on my brand new pjs. I decided to wear the ones that had cats on them. I brushed my teeth and walked downstairs, said goodnight to daddy then collapsed on the floor. I was really tired.
Squashiy's POV
I gasped and stampy did the same. We just realized that it was just how tired she was. I carried her up to her room and put her down in her bed. "Goodnight" I whispered. After that we all went to bed.

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