Toys and stuffed animals

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Stampy's POV
I drove over to toys r us. I unbuckled Asia this time. "Thank you daddy" She said. "Your welcome" I said helping her from her seat. She went in between Squaishy and I. She held my right hand and Squaishy's on the left. We walked inside. Asia's eyes got big and she ran over to the doll.
Asia's POV
It was like toy city I tell you! I ran over to the barbie dolls. I saw a toy car a beach house and a few of barbies friends. I Asked Mommy And Daddy If I could get them. They both said yes. After that I ran over to the stuffed animals. I saw a stuffed cat, duck, puppy and a cow. I wanted them all. Mommy said it was okay. So did daddy. After looking around I decided I was tired and wanted to go home. Daddy cashed out and we went home.

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