The Dangerous Enemy Part 1/2 (Poofless)

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MrWoofless: *It's been a few days and we haven't gotten a lot done we heard Vikklan would make out every night Merome knows me and Preston are dating and us well we've been through a lot these past few days but we have gotten over it* Hey Preston? *I say facing him*

TBNRfrags: Yeah Rob?

MrWoofless: Can I ask you something?

TBNRfrags: Sure

MrWoofless: Well um it's been a while since we've done what I want to ask you

TBNRfrags: What is it? *I ask confused a bit*

MrWoofless: Well talk about what the future might bring *I say quietly*

TBNRfrags: *I looked at him* Oh well uh... ok I don't mind talking about that... *I say nervously*

MrWoofless: *I sit next to him* Well um first question well... *I clear my throat* You and me what will happen in the future?

TBNRfrags: Oh well uhh... I don't know honestly it depends on where the relationship goes

MrWoofless: Yeah but I mean like what would you like to happen with our relationship?

TBNRfrags: Well um *I wrap my arm around his neck* In the future I'd like us to get married that's something umm... I want to be with you forever even when we die I don't want to leave your sight or you

MrWoofless: *Smiles* Me too Preston

TBNRfrags: *I smile* So anyway next question?

MrWoofless: Oh um... Well I was gonna a... *Gets interrupted by banging at the door I jump and hug Preston scared and I start shivering in fear*

TBNRfrags: *Hugs him and runs my fingers through his hair* It's ok Rob *There was still banging on the door then I heard the door break down I got up and grabbed Rob picking him up bridal style I closed my eyes I felt a tail and two wings grow I opened my eyes to see a figure in front of me Rob still in my hands I looked at him he was petrified and shaking in fear*

{{Rob's POV}}

Demon TBNRfrags: *Laughs evily* I've waited a long time to do this *I grab Rob and pull him towards me my eyes filled with lust sending chills down his spine* I'm gonna make a meal out of you *I whisper in his ear making him shake violently*

MrWoofless: P-PRESTON HELP!!! *I yell the demon placing his lips on my neck*

Demon TBNRfrags: He can't here you when he has his eyes closed and is transforming so while he's in that state I'm gonna make sweet guilt free love to you *I say sucking on his neck he groans in pain making me smile*

MrWoofless: St-Stoooop *I groan louder* P-PRESTOOOON HEEEELP!! *I groan loudly then he stops and kicks me then places me in Preston's arms I shake violently laying there petrified*

{{Preston's POV}}

TBNRfrags: Rob what's wrong?

MrWoofless: H-He sucked on m-my neck he s-said he'd make a-a meal out o-of me

TBNRfrags: *I started to growl I looked up my demon side who pointed to Rob and made a kissy face while pointing at him* NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE TOUCHES MY ROB!!

Demon TBNRfrags: Yeah well I already did and I liked it *I licked my lips*

TBNRfrags: *I growled louder than I looked at Rob his eyes showed fear I ran my fingers through his hair* Rob it's ok when we get out of here I'll make sweet sweet love to you carefully and softly I promise I'll be careful you must be scared to death don't worry Rob I'm here *I whispered in his ear I lifted up and flew away still whispering in his ear* I'm here for you Rob I promise I'll make you feel better soon I swear I'll make you feel better

MrWoofless: *Whimpers and cuddles closer to him* I-I would really like that Preston and please do that to me all night please all night or two nights please? *I begged*

TBNRfrags: Of course baby as long as you like I will make you feel better I'll make you feel happy when you want for as long as you want

MrWoofless: M-Maybe a few nights wouldn't hurt

TBNRfrags: Ok babe if you want I'll do it for a few weeks I'll do anything to make my baby happy *I purr in his ear* I'll protect from the dangerous enemy

MrWoofless: *I gently paw at his shirt growling seductively in his ear* Start now

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