Konoha Akinori

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Title: That small paper
Prompt: [First name], Akaashi Keiji's sister is a gang member.

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Akaashi [First Name] was the most troublesome Akaashi in the Akaashi residence. "[First name], wake up already, I don't have enough time for this..!" Keiji, the elder Akaashi complained, shaking the younger one out of annoyance.

"12 more minutes, I'm having a date with Hinata from Naruto.." The girl grunted, covering her head with her blanket. "Hinata Hyuga isn't real. And I thought your waifu was Kanao from Demon slayer?"

"It's Kanae, not Kanao! Kanao's too young.. And by the way, Lucy Heartfilia is best girl." [First name] then again grunted, kicking Keiji's hand away from her shoulder, sitting up from her bed. "At least your awake, now get dressed, today's another day of high school. And you're attending at Fukurodani. Do you want another day of school to be another Detention." Keiji, then again complained who was replied with his sister shaking her head 'no'.

"Jeez.. And here I wonder if you're gonna be more addicted to Anime when you grow up.. And also Ezra is better than Lucy..."


Walking out of the house, Keiji was surprised that [First name] was already outside the house with her motorbike's engine already running. "Hop on!"

"Are you sure that's safe?" Keiji asked, pointing at her motorbike in slight fear. "Don't point at him like he's some sort of wild dinosaur, he doesn't even have teeth!"

"Don't give a motorbike pronounce! That's just weird. Also, I never said it was a wild animal.." Keiji exclaimed, climbing up on the motorbike in a lady-like style.

"Whatever makes you feel safe in the ride." [First name] said, letting go of the conversation as she drove them to Fukurodani in no time.

Once at the school, Keiji hopped off first. "Be sure to keep that thing safe, I'm not paying for it." He said, pointing at the motorbike again. "Yeah yeah, whatever dad."

Keiji walked in the school first, heading to the volleyball gym. "Good morning. Sorry I'm late, younger sister problems.." Keiji excused, seeing the team was already practicing. "I'm glad to see you here anyways, Akaashi." Their coach, Coach Takeyuki reassured the late setter. "Akaashi!! Where have you been?! You know you're a setter and no one can replace you! NOW C'MERE AND GIVE ME SOME OF YOUR TOSSES!"

Without hesitation, Keiji quickly got ready in seconds. But while they were practicing, the front doors opened wide, followed by a voice. "Keiji, You took my bag with you idiot!" All the people in the gym looked at the door only to see a girl with long and messy black hair and was wearing the girls uniform, except the only thing that was proper about her uniform was her skirt, her top was unproperly buttoned with a black unzipped jacket on top of it all.

"Gimme the bag, Keiji!" The girl demanded, her hand extended, to which she was replied with a sigh by 'Keiji'. "Jeez, at least don't act like an embarrassment, this is the volleyball gym."

"Yeah yeah, ok.." She replied and turned around to the door, not before 'whispering' to Keiji, ".... Dad."

She quickly ran off before Keiji could even turn to her, as the gym doors slammed loudly, with a clear 'BANG' noise. "Who was that, 'Keiji'?" Komi asked with an amusement written all over his face, grabbing a hold on Keiji's shoulder. " 'That' was the reason why I'm late for practice." Keiji sighed, with Komi laughing at him as he walked up to his closest friend, Konoha."Ey, dude why are you so red? Or are you pink?" Komi asked, squishing Konoha's cheeks.

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