The Meta vs. Black Noir

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When it comes to being part of a twisted way of being an experiment for a corporation or a military project there are times when the experiments went horribly wrong or amazingly right and created something that went right. And there are those who uses their powers to hunt down and kill anyone in the way of an organization's plans.

The Meta

The Meta, the most dangerous Freelancer formally known as Agent Maine from Project Freelancer

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The Meta, the most dangerous Freelancer formally known as Agent Maine from Project Freelancer

Black Noir

Black Noir the stealthy martial artist of the The Seven

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Black Noir the stealthy martial artist of the The Seven


The Meta


Backstory: Agent Maine was one of the soldiers of Project Freelancer, a super soldier project with a mission so secret not even they knew what it was. Maine was one of the top tier Freelancers alongside other freelancers like Carolina, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, and New York. Everything changed one day when Agent Carolina was given Sigma, the AI fragment representing Creativity and Ambition and after a mission Maine was injured in battle and was mute after that mission and Carolina gave the AI fragment to Maine. Sigma then brainwashed Maine and turned him into the Meta and then he goes around collecting AI Fragments in a mission to achieve Metastability which is a point in an AI's life to become human.


-Former Name: Agent Maine

-Former Team: Project Freelancer

-AI: Sigma, Beta, Eta, Iota, Gamma, Omega, Theta, Delta

-Rank: 7

-Armor: CQB and EVA

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