Wander vs. Eren Jaeger

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Interlude: When it comes to fighting giant monsters you need the right tools for the job even if those said tools is becoming a giant monster yourself.


Wander, the slayer of colossi

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Wander, the slayer of colossi

Eren Jaeger

Eren Yaeger, the Slayer of Titans

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Eren Yaeger, the Slayer of Titans




Backstory: Long long time ago there was a girl named Mono and the village shaman had to sacrifice her to protect her from the monster that is Dormin and a young boy named Wander was in distraught. Out of desperation to get her back he grabbed some equipment such as the Ancient Sword, a bow and arrows, and his loyal steed Agro and a map to the Forbidden Lands where he soon met a mysterious voice who happens to be Dormin tells Wander about 16 colossi he has to kill in order for him to resurrect Mono. And that was his mission.


-Name: Wander

-Age: Late teens to early 20s

-Rides on Agro

-Game: 16 Colossi

-Wears a cool cloak

-One of the heroes of the Ico Verse which is like the MCU of video games

-Had horns before Ico got his horns

-His titan form has fought Marvel Superheroes



>Ancient Sword

>Queen's Sword

>Sword of the Sun

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