Jorgen Von Strangle vs. Thragg

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Interlude: When it comes to being the strongest warrior among your fellow soldiers these two are the strongest warriors in their species.

Jorgan Von Strangle

Jorgan Von Strangle, the Enforcer of Da Rules and the Strongest Fairy in Fairyworld

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Jorgan Von Strangle, the Enforcer of Da Rules and the Strongest Fairy in Fairyworld


Thragg, the exiled Grand Regent of the Viltrum Empire

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Thragg, the exiled Grand Regent of the Viltrum Empire




Backstory: Many years ago on the Planet Viltrum, there was a purge that wiped out half of the population, a virus that is even worse than Covid killed off more viltrumites, and the Great Betrayer Thaedus killed off the Emperor Agrall who is the father of the hero Omni-man aka Nolan Grayson. Over the years there is one substitute for the ruler of Viltrum until the heir to the throne is found, and he's the Grand Regent Thragg.


-Name: Thragg

-Age: Probably 3000 years based on how old he is in comparison to the Immortal

-Species: Viltrumite

-Rank: Grand Regent

-Hates: Invincible

-Love interest: Pretty Much every woman on Thraxa

-Litterally the strongest Viltrumite around at the time

-Turned Battle Beast into a skin pelt cape

-Had a whole lot of sex with Thraxans which are bug people just to make an army

-The father of the first set of twin viltrumites

-Omni-man's boss before he became emperor

Powers and Abilities:

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