Thor(MCU) vs. Wonder Woman(DCSHG)(G2)

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Interlude: When it comes to royalty they always sit around in their comfy palace especially if it's a place of myth like Asgard or Themyscira, but what if those royals are actually powerful warriors who use their power as a force of good. First they start out as immature children but after making new friends among the people of Earth they grow up to be legendary heroes.


Thor Odinson, The God of Thunder and founding member of the Avengers of the MCU

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Thor Odinson, The God of Thunder and founding member of the Avengers of the MCU

Wonder Woman(DCSHG)(G2)

Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince, the Princess and Prodigy of Themyscira and Leader of the Superhero Girls

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Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince, the Princess and Prodigy of Themyscira and Leader of the Superhero Girls




Backstory: Thor Odinson was the son of Odin and Frigga and he had an adoptive brother name Loki and childhood friends Lady Sif and the Warriors 3. Ever since he was a baby he was in battle against those who want to harm Asgard for centuries. He is the crowned Prince of Asgard and he was having a great coronation party with his friends in Asgard until Frost Giants and this really angered Thor to the point where he invades Jotunheim and then when Odin confront him he stripped him of his powers and banished him to Earth in order to teach him a lesson. He met a woman name Jane Foster and he fell in love with her and when he found his hammer Mjolnir he tried to pick it up he can't pick it up. And when Loki decides to destroy Jotunheim and Thor himself he sacrificed himself to save the people of the town from the Destroyer Armor and he was then deemed worthy to wield Mjolnir. He soon went back to Earth to retrieve Loki and he soon join the Avengers in the Battle of New York and he became a full time member of the Avengers. Over the years he suffered great loses of his family, friends, and even allies but he then became a father for the daughter of the God Butcher, Love.

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