The dinner

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Kamariah pov:

I sat down at the dining table, waiting for my mom and sisters to get downstairs. Amara didn't come home since her boss called her over, and mom just assumed she was working overtime. i adjusted myself on the hard wood chair. the dress I was wearing was so uncomfortable but i really was just trying to impress Raina at the dinner we were going for.

The entire town had been invited as a 'formal apology' for the rumours. I still didn't believe they were rumours but whatever. at first mom wasn't going to go and therefore none of us were, but people who declined started getting arrested and she wasn't going to allow that happen to us.

I was wearing a dress (once in a lifetime event) that just reached below my knee, It was made of that one net material that scratches your skin and gets caught on every single thing. The dress had little flower designs and puffy sleeves. I had bought it for prom but I guess there wont be any because of the evacuation scare.

It wasn't that I didn't like dresses. I just couldn't find any comfortable ones. I loved the way they looked but just... no.

My phone rang with the ringtone Raina had set for herself after we met. Chandelier by will Paquin played on full volume until I picked up. Raina was visibly ecstatic about wearing a dress, since wearing 'nice clothes' is a rare occasion in her house thanks to her brothers. She had this sudden hyper fix on silk dresses and I guess her parents finally gave in.

She had on a white silk dress that went just above her knees. it looked purposely ruffled, like a silk backdrop. she had left her natural curls in and defined them a bit, which was always a struggle for her cause she was the only one in her family with curls. she wore the necklace I gave her for her 13th, a raincloud, and some pearl earrings. I would have thought she was going to a wedding or something if not that we were literally going to the same place. 

Well I wouldn't have thought that if not for the crusty sneakers she wore because 'what if there was a fire and she needed to run'

We had wanted to carpool since Amma, Asha and Chris were basically best friends but there wasn't a car big enough to fit all 11 of us. two big families going to a formal event is always a disaster. when the twins were younger Amara and I weren't allowed to wear our formal wear until 5 minutes before leaving, cause the twins would find a way to somehow set it on fire or something. 

My mom finally came down with Amma and Asha, they had gotten into a small argument because they didn't want to match but they clearly lost since they were both sulking while wearing white and blue jumpsuits. I personally think that they're old enough to decide but then again Asha has horrible fashion sense.

We got into the black sienna and drove to the hall where the dinner was being hosted. The line to enter stretched far back since the food was free and not everyone in the town could afford daily meals.

Chris ran up to the car as we parked, he had probably memorised the license plate or something, and hugged my mom, calling her "Auntie Ayo" which she absolutely adored. I walked over to Raina, to talk to her right before we went in. She was busy having an argument with Kendrick so she didn't notice me until he pointed me out.

"I still have no idea why you complained about the dress so much Kam you literally look like a princess" she told me. she held my hand as we walked into the white building looming over our heads.

Third person pov:

Audible gasp resounded around the hall. the building had been renovated about a month ago and the inside was far more fancy than the old shopping centre it used to be a couple years back. the walls were a beige colour with a glittering chandelier hanging from the low ceiling, if you wanted to you could tip toe and grab the glass crystals that shone light all over. Cream silk curtains adorned the walls and a huge table sat in the middle of the room, probably long enough to be an NYC runway.

people sat down next to their family members and friends, making small talk as they waited for anything to happen. Kamariah and Raina had to separate since Mrs Warrens wanted her family to sit together. the chairs were quite uncomfortable to be honest but nobody really focused on that since the smell of food started to fill the air.

Roast chicken, Shrimps, pasta, fish, rice, and everything in between filled the table just waiting to be devoured by the hungry people in front of it. Nobody even focused on the speech that was being given or the weird cylinders in the room.

People began to serve themselves with heaps of food since the best caterer in town had been the one to cook for the event, some parents even sneaking food into bowls to keep for later meals. There really was no point of people being asked to dress formal since stew decorated the clothes of most of the children in the room.

Kamariah pov:

I decided on eating a small portion of food since I still didn't trust what was going on but the smell was so tempting. I managed to eat half my food before I gave up on it. I sat back in my chair and watched what others were doing, it was what I did whenever I was bored. Mrs warrens was trying to control her children from face palming in the rice and ending up in a food coma. she gave up and just started shovelling food into a a big plastic container and continuing the process but with drinks.

I laughed a little when I saw Kendrick trying to flirt with some girl next to him and Raina trying to hide the fact they were related. I saw an elderly man smiling and having conversation with a little girl, probably his granddaughter, and gesturing as if he was telling the greatest story ever. from the way she was looking at him it probably was.

I saw these cool vases at the side of the room. I hadn't noticed them before but they were really pretty. They were tall, black and slender. with white hibiscuses in it. I think there was dry ice in the container because it gave of a white fog that had reached about 3 metres away from the vase now.

I wanted to touch it. to touch the fog and see if it was cold on my skin. idk i just always wanted to whenever we did the science experiments in class. I got up and walked to the vase area. 

The hibiscuses had a thick scent, one that made me feel anxious and lightheaded, I held my breath and moved closer to touch the source of the fog. I reached my hand into the vase waiting for the cool contact on my palm but nothing came. I looked inside. nothing there. I looked behind, and there were these cylinder that had moist condensation all over the side, possibly from the dry ice. I moved the pot aside a bit so I could touch the cylinder when I noticed a beeping sound and red light.

The beeping progressively got louder and I started to get worried. I turned to look for one of the people working or  the man that gave the speech,  i bumped into someone on the way to the table.

Immediately I recognized the suit as the one the man with the speech gave. what was his name again? David or something? I looked up from my arms-spread-out for balance pose to talk to him when the beeping stopped.





There was a bang.


The fog spread.


The man pulled on a mask.


And I could do nothing as the floor seemed to get closer and closer to my weak body.



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