Home sweet home

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Third person POV:

Kamariah set on her bed cross-legged, her phone long abandoned after her sister hadn't picked up her call. She hunched over her school chrome book, typing furiously into the browser search bar.

"Pulos town wide strike"

"Town to be evacuated"

"head scientist of the PSR schedules town feast"

She groaned in annoyance as once again, clicking the link took her to an error message. This had been happening for maybe 40 minutes now and Kamariah was certain that someone was blocking information. How?

she had no idea...

Every link related to the evacuation had either been taken down or just didn't work.

A soft knock sounded from the door across the bed before it opened and a head of thick black and white hair peeked through it. followed by a head of fully black hair.

Ama and Asha.

"We heard mom shouting downstairs. what did you say?" Ama asked, settling herself onto the edge of the bed. "yeah! what did you say?" Asha mimicked as per usual. Kamariah looked at them in her peripheral as she started closing the tabs.

"you genuinely think I'm going to tell you guys so it can turn into recess gossip? no. leave my room"

She looked up as she felt the weight in her lap disappear as her laptop was snatched from her. On, reflex she reached out and grabbed the stolen Chromebook from her sisters grubby palms only for two sets of grubby hands to grab it back. it soon turned into a strange game of tug of war. maybe not a game. because Kamariah was NOT finding it funny

"if whatever you're doing isn't suspicious then just let us see!" Asha grunted while hardening her grasp on the dirty screen.


"did you just break my screen?"

the three of them looked down at the neat circle shaped crack decorating the corner of the screen. "look what you guys did!" Kamariah exclaimed, snatching the now blank laptop into her lap. she tried turning it back on to no avail as tears of frustration brimmed her eyes


the door slammed shut as she left the room. leaving her broken device in the hands of her, still, curious sisters. After a minute of silence, Asha's voice spoke up.

"so do we check the laptop then apologise?"

"maybe not check at all..." Ama replied, walking out of the room.

Completely ignoring what was said before, the two toned girl opened up the closed tab and was met with an error message. to make matters worse, the screen became pixelated as the laptop glitched. Asha watched as different files closed and opened. a picture opened briefly before crashing as well. but not briefly enough for the top line to go unread...

Her eyes burner and į̴͕̠̗̺̥̬̪̤̥͑̑͆̆͒̓̏͛͌t̶̛̺̫̲̮̽̈́͌̽̆͆ć̷ͅȟ̷̢̙̆̌̏͊͂ȅ̸̢̲̞̙̥͍̳̥͎͘ḑ̷̠͖̼͎͈̔͑̈͆̂̂́̊͂̅ for a few seconds. but those few seconds were agony, Asha walked out of the room, scratching her eyes while she tried to remember what she was doing with her sisters laptop in the first place.

her vision tinted cyan as she walked to her room


Idk if my description made any sense but Asha has vitiligo 

literally writing this in the school library... this school is gonna be the death of me. sorry for the short chapter - Adss 👹

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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