Rise and shine?

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(Third person pov)

The sun had set on the empty streets of the town. Not a single soul was at home, the roads were quiet and the air cold. Occasionally you would hear the hums of birds but other than that the world seemed soundproof.

Maybe a hundred feet below all this, electricity hummed through the walls of the lab. Powering the multiple lines up pods that's contained the citizens of the town. Scientists buzzed around the room. In that point in time none of them were doing what they had planned at the start of their carriers. Except maybe Dave. Dave was evil through and through.

"Have all the pods been sealed and attached to the monitors? Make sure no damage is done to the acrylic casing so we don't risk an infestation." Dave shouted out commands as he walked around the room with a mug in his hand, watching as workers buzzed around the wards. "Everything good? Okay initiate serum inject."

A glowing blue button sat in the center of the room and at Dave's words, a short woman ran to the button and pressed it with ease. At once goggled lowered on the eyes of the pod captives and released parasites into the waiting eyes of the people. It took a mere two minutes before the once dimly lit room flowed a bright cyan, bathing the walls with ominous lights and a couple more seconds before you could hear people writing from inside their pods trying to escape the clutches of the creature.

The nature of inquisitive scientists was shown as everyone working in the lab stopped to look at the screaming unconscious body's locked up infront of them, not in fear or disgust, but in awe.

Some were shaking so violently from pain that you could hear the pathetic limp banging on the acrylic casing as their body pulsed and shook in agony. It was hard to watch but somehow hard to look away. Maybe someone should've watched closer? Maybe one of them would've noticed the faint orange glow at the far end of the room. Maybe they would've seen the error sign that quickly displayed on the screen next to that pod. But then again, maybe they forgot to.


(Kamariah pov)
The fog surrounded everything, maybe even my mind. I blinked to get the burning feeling out my eyes, then again. Where did Dave go? Where's everyone? Wher- "KAMS RAINA IS HERE" I heard ama shout from downstairs. Her voice rang in my ears and bounced around my brain.

I took a minute to look around. No table. No chandelier. No people? Just me, my bed, and my Posters. When did I get to my room? Scratch that. When did I even get home?

"IF YOU DON'T COME DOWN RAINA IS GONNA LEAVE" shoot. I put on my slippers and ran downstairs, I bet Raina is still upset about the evacuation especially after what that asshole said.

But when I got downstairs, instead of a sad still in pajamas hair tangled beyond recognition Raina. I was met with an exited one, which don't get me wrong i love when my girlfriend is happy but why was she happy?

"KAMS!" She jumped into my arms almost knocking me onto the floor and hugged me. "Literally what are you so happy about I'm so confused" I asked. I looked at the clock and saw it was 11am. There is literally no reason to be happy at 11am. "Are you okay rainstorm? After the dinner?" I asked, cautious with my choice of words as to not upset the happy girl. "You mean the spaghetti dinner my brothers dropped my glasses in? They do that all the time tho why would I still be upset?"

I was about to say something but she interrupted me like how she does when she's exited. "TODAY IS OUR HAIR DAY REMEMBER? You said there was a new style you wanted to try and I said I wanted to get bangs?" I looked at her like she was crazy. I don't think we should be thinking about hair when we're literally being evacuated in a few days" I said, trying to figure what kind of magic her brothers did on her to make her act so weird.

"Evacuating?" She tilted her head to the side as of I had just said the most mind blowing unbelievably stupid thing ever.

I figured she was just ignoring the thing as some type of coping mechanism or something because I have no idea what else she could be getting at

"Okay whatever. Let's just go to the hair salon" I said, as I grabbed my coat. "Uh, Kams I think you need to change first" she replied

I looked in the glass reflection and saw my sage green pajama pants and matching shirt with the word 'role play' written on it. Accompanied by none other than my my white slippers and of course my bonnet.

"You know what, your right I'm gonna go change. What hairstyle did I say I wanted to try again?" "Oh! You said it was called butterfly love or something....."

And so i moved on with my day. I didn't question the lack of newspapers. I didn't question how everyone was smiling instead of packing. I didn't even question where amara was. Looking back m, I wish I did. I wish I asked why Raina didn't remember the news or the dinner or the fog, the same fog that clouds my brain when I try to remember what happened after everything went black...

I swear it's been like 4 months since I updated and it's not even because I was busy, I just had a huge writers block bro 😭 I wrote this chapter on my phone so it may be a bit... weird I guess. Also I love the idea of kamariah just accepting when Raina does questionable things because honestly I love it when people do it to me. I almost got to 1k words on this one 😔 but anyways I put the pictures of what I think kamariahs and rainas outfits for the dinner looked like
-adss 👹

 I almost got to 1k words on this one 😔 but anyways I put the pictures of what I think kamariahs and rainas outfits for the dinner looked like-adss 👹

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