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I insist you don't come. Yeah, that's bullshit and I don't really doubt that Childe doesn't know that. I wouldn't have told him where I am if I didn't want to see him, I have to admit that much. Not to him though, absolutely not, never. But after a while I heard my door open. I should have locked it, this bitch acts like he owns everywhere he walks. His smile was bright and I wanted to look away as he entered, shoulders squared and those annoying dead blue eyes locked on me immediately.

"Missed me?" - Childe

"Not for a second." - Scaramouche

That was a very obvious lie but no way I'm admitting it, nuh uh. No matter how many facts or actions that he has done pile up and prove that I am lying, I'm not admitting shit. I simply just glared at him from my bed, aware of how beaten up I look and I heard the pained strain in my voice clearly.

"Didn't I insist you don't come?" - Scaramouche

"Man, you look like shit!" - Childe

Well that was rude, he wasn't looking too great himself anyway. Then something I didn't expect happened. This bitch slid himself into my bed next to me! He just got in, and lied on his side while staring at me.

"And you insist on a lot of things anyway, why should I listen to you when you do?" - Childe

"You look worse, and who said you were allowed in my bed? Hm?" - Scaramouche

Well, not that I made any attempt to push him out. I kinda just did a little wiggle that made me go closer to him. I kinda want to feel his touch against me... Nothing inappropriate! Maybe just a hug will ease the pain a little. Just the warmth of him.. Nope! Nope! I'm not thinking about any of that. I will not get any closer to him. I hate him and he's an annoying bitch. I huffed, to show my annoyance with him but that fucking ginger just laughed at me.

"You wouldn't have moved closer if you don't want me in your bed, doll~" - Childe


"I did not move closer. I've also told you, plenty of fucking times, it's not doll, it's Scaramouche." - Scaramouche

I really want to roll away now or at least roll over to close myself off from him, but if I were to, it would hurt like a bitch. So instead I opted to just turn my head away from him. Good enough for me. 

"Scaramouche, Scaramouche?" - Childe

Oh fuck nooooo, not this again. Then I felt his hand gently grab my face, tilting it back to look at him. And fuck, his grin. I hate it so much. I felt my face heat up a little though, stupid Childe, grabbing my face with his stupid hand and making me blush >:(

"Will you do the fandango?" - Childe

Then he released me, finally, chuckling at me again. Fuck, his laugh is hot. Fuck him. 

"If you want to be in my arms that bad, just say so." - Childe

Fuck him with his playful tone and his attractive voice, making my face brighten even more than it already had! I could basically see it even in the darkness. He made my tone not come out not even aggressive at all, when I had intended it to be.

"I will punch you." - Scaramouche

Why can't my tone back up my words?? Sure I don't actually mean it but I'd love for it to sound like I do. But, maybe I can twist this to be able to feel him whilst still not admitting that I really, really want it.

"I don't want to be in your arms. But if you want me in your arms then just hurry up and hold me already." - Scaramouche

"Tell that to your tone~" - Childe

I huffed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders to pull me against him, turning me at the same time so we were in a spooning position. It hurt my side but I surprisingly didn't flinch or tense up further than normal because of it, instead I relaxed. I guess I really did want to be held. Or really needed it even.

"See? Just look at the way you're aching for my touch!" - Childe

And he just had to ruin it by whispering that into my ear in such a damn teasing way. And with that, there goes my composure, I pulled my hands up to cover my face and I whined as the warm breath on my ear sent shivers down my spine. But I managed to speak clearly through it before he could tease me again.

"The only reason I'm aching is because I am hurt." - Scaramouche

I mean, that's a half truth at least, I am aching because of the physical damage. But I guess I was aching for his touch a bit too. So I let myself relax completely, letting my guard down slightly which is something I never do and sighing as I leaned my head into him.

"Then the reason your tension is gone would be..?" - Childe

Fuck, he called my bluff, even though I know it was really obvious. Maybe one day I'll be able to let it down completely with him. Whatever, doesn't matter now, I'm too tired. And I think the other may have noticed when I stifled a yawn because he rubbed my side gently before pulling the blanket over us.

"You should sleep. The Tsaritsa told me you have commissions tomorrow." - Childe

"Maybe this is a little nice..." - Scaramouche

Shit, I admitted it, even though it was just a whisper, that he could definitely hear. I guess it's okay though, maybe he'll forget in the morning.

"Maybe I should sleep, I'm tired." - Scaramouche

With a final side glance at him I let my eyes close. This is okay, right? 

"You sleep too." - Scaramouche

"Told you, you were aching for my touch." - Childe

I heard his yawn and his arms tightened around me, he's so warm.

"Goodnight, Kukla." - Childe

Oh fuck him.

"You better have not just called me doll in some other language." - Scaramouche

He had. I knew it, because of course he would. But just after managing to groan out those words, I felt myself slip into sleep.

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