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Omg Childe POV, that's new

What the hell is he doing? Stealing the gnosis was his job, yes. But from the electro archon, not from the Tsaritsa. He didn't even say anything to me first. Before leaving, or before doing something so incredibly stupid. He always makes fun of me, and how dumb I am or whatever, but look where he is now. I've got absolutely no clue what he's planning to do. I just hope this doesn't end with him hurt. 

He's a puppet, so surely nothing too bad can happen to him specifically. But, I'm also not so sure. I've just got to find him, swoop him up in my arms, and take him home. Easy. Right?

~~~~Amount of time later~~~~

I sat on the ship that had been organised for me to get over to Inazuma, there were a few lower ranked fatui minions on board with me of course. But I'd just send them off to search in less likely places. Whatever goes down when I find Mouchie, I'd prefer we're alone. If it ends in a fight, there's no way I'll win. Not only is he higher ranked than me and won many of our spars, but now he also holds the power of a gnosis. I may be very much into fights and confident in my abilities, but I'm here to serve the Tsaritsa now, not to die. Especially not by his hands.

Considering he got his hands on the gnosis, my first stop is the Grand Narukami Shrine. The Tsaritsa and Mouchie were working separately, so they likely didn't go to the same place. She went to the Shogun's place and ended up empty handed and dead, so it likely wasn't there. But from information I was given, the pink fox envoy is her right hand woman, so maybe she'll have some sort of information. 

Though, I'm really struggling with these fucking stairs.... 

After a couple thousand maybe, I sure as hell didn't count, I finally saw a shrine maiden and perked right up, as if all my fatigue had melted away.

"Hey, you there! Is the Guuji here?" - Childe

The young lady also seemed to perk up upon hearing someone, likely having been bored or something.

"You're in luck, lady Guuji is usually at her publishing house, but she is here today!" - Shrine maiden

"Great, thank you!" - Childe

With this new hope, it didn't take long for me to get to the top of the stairs and make my way around the shrine's building. It was pretty obvious once I'd found who I was looking for, thanks to her very different attire paired with pink hair.

"Hey! Have you by chance seen a pale guy, super short, with a really shitty haircut?" - Childe

I asked as soon as my approach got her attention, and as I was calling him short, I held my hand up around my chest, implying that's how tall he is, which isn't wrong.

"He may have been looking for something I assume you have, or had." - Childe

Yae Miko definitely seemed amused by me dancing around the topic, and my making fun of him a little.

"I'd assume you're talking about Ei's little puppet? Yes, I've seen him." - Yae Miko

"Any hint on where he's gone?" - Childe

It took a moment for her to respond, likely trying decide how to answer the question.

"I don't believe he's in Inazuma anymore, that little one appeared to be in a bit of a rush." - Yae Miko

"But where would he have gone if he's not in Inazuma anymore? Not Snezhnaya considering he dipped." -  Childe

"I can't help you any further, little one. The puppet didn't tell me where he went." - Yae Miko

"Thanks anyway! I'll be off!" - Childe

I didn't really wait at all before making my move, not needing anything else from the shrine's Guuji. Though I did give a little backwards wave as I ran down the mountain. I don't know where he is, but if he's not in Inazuma, I can figure out where to head next whilst on my way to the dock in Ritou.


A/N: Yeah I'm gonna end this chapter here so I can at least get something out. I don't 100% know where I'm going with this, I'm going to follow how genshin's story is going to an extent. I'm not going to go up to Fontaine's story probably, I've done it and I'm keeping up to date with it, but I know a lot of other people aren't/haven't at this point, and it just feels like it's probably too complicated for me. We'll just see how this goes and whatever.

I'm also going to upload another chapter after this, because I feel at this point that I need to have a bit of something to give everyone an update on my life and why I keep taking so long with everything. So uh, see you there I guess.

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