It starts .,..... Its told

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~Dani Pov~

One Word comes to my mind. The word is  AMAZING. I love waking  up with my handsome boyfriend. Me pressed to his chest listen to his heart beat is so soothing. What also  makes it amazing is having my litle monster neck to me his hands in my hair head against my chest listen to my heart beat. Luke hand secured me and Bent to him. His and I legs intertwined. This just an amzing morning I want to wake up like this for the rest of my life. The only negative thing about this is I have to use the bathromm. I cant get out without waking up both my boys. Since Bent is a light sleeper just like Luke. I dont want to wake them they both look so adorable when they sleep. I turned just a bit to get more comfortable. Both Luke and Bent made a groan kind of noise and moved closer to me. Me now laying on my side I had Bent in my arms hand touching my face. Luke had placed his head on top of mine and his arm around my waist tighten.

I want to stay like this all day both my boys next to me. To bad someone didnt have the same thought as me cause Luke phone began to ring. He and Bent stirred I couldnt reach the phone. Luke groaned and turned and grabbed his phone.

"Hello." Luke said using his husky morning voice. That voice always send shivers down back. Bent eyes shot open to Luke voice. " Yeah.....Okay.......No I just want everyone to relax today...... Yeah they can go anywhere........ Of course Jai........No you are in charge I will be taking Bent and Danielle with me......... Yeah...." He said talking to my brother about what I dont know Im not really trying to listen to Jai. I just watching my baby Boy His adorable blue eyes stairing at me and smiling. " What Jai...... No we are not....... Why would I do that with Bent with us.......KINKY no Jai..........God Jai I'm not talking about this with my girlfriends older Brother..... Okay good just keep an eye on the pack we will be back aroung ten pm..... Yeah If anything goes wrong or something happenes call me immadiently..... I would tell him but he doesnt like you..... Im just playing I will okay be good have fun Bye JAI." Luke said hanging up. What did Jai say oh god he must had said something embarasing. Why else would he say Kinky.

"Dada" Bent said smiling put his hands up for Luke. Luke smiled and grabbed Bent kissing his cheek.

"Take a shower and get dress. Wear something casul. No nevermind get everything to go swiminnig  and for Benny. While you do that I will get everything ready. We will eat at diner on the way." He said. I smiled at my handsome mate. He is drop dead gorgeous. He held my baby in his hand. Bent turned and looked at me. They oddly look like eachother if thats even possible. I want to spend the rest of my life with this man. He is to good for me. Bent needs a father figure in his life.

"Okay Babe I will be quick so I can help you then I'll Give Bent a bath" I told him. I layed on the bed just watching them. Luke came to my side Bent down and pecked my lips.

"Okay... Bent give mommy a kiss." Luke told my little monster. Luke bend down to my level and pushed Bent near me. He gave me a slobbery kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks baby boy." I told him. He clapped his hand and looked at me then Luke.

"Tell mommy you love her." Luke told him.

"Moma Bye"  Bent said and did the bye motion. He wiggled in Luke hand. Luke placed him on the ground Bent waved again and left the room. My llittle boy is to cute I got up and started to walk to the bathroom. Luke gave me one last kiss and then ran after Bent.

Getting out the shower and dressing really quickly I went downstairs. I saw Bent and Luke dressed and ready. They must have used the guest bathroom. Luke had Bent watching Caillou.

"Are you ready?" Luke asked.

"Yeah lets go." I said. I went and helped him bring everything to the car.

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