Sabbats and esbats

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What are sabbats and esbats?

Sabbats and esbats, you can say are celebrations for witches. Witches do rituals, cook, do spells, etc. on those days. 

When do we celebrate them and what type they are?

When do we celebrate them and what type they are?

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Here's a scheme/diagram. In further chapters we are going to go thru all of them, see what activities u can do, rituals, cooking, correspondents, etc.

Tips how to remember them:

Put reminders on ur notes or calender app.

Usually witches on social media remind you, ex. ur scrolling on tiktok and see a witch congratulating you w/ Litha (since it's upcoming)

They are pagan holidays that christians stole, so it's pretty easy to associate with popular holidays. Ex. Yule - christmas, Ostara - easter, Samhain- Halloween, etc.

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