chap 9

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The four boys were all sitting down doing various activities. Leo and Ozy were having a staring contest with both their eyes watery and red while Sage was listening to music and Jaune was reading a book. He then closes and taps Sage who takes out his headphones but leaves the music playing revealing it as  some basic rock music. 

“So what do you think we’re gonna end up finding at this place?” Sage looks up for a bit before turning his gaze towards Ozy and Leo. “Honestly not sure, Ozy is hyping this place up but that doesn’t mean we should get our hopes up” he nearly puts his headphones back on when they suddenly hear the speaker turn on causing Leo to blink. “Ha! And you said you could outlast me, what a joke” Leo growls a big while rubbing his eyes “That was a fluke and you know it!” He then stops yelling and listens to the pilot. “Alright then the destination is in sight and we’ll be landing in approximately five minutes”

Ozymandias chuckles at Leona's reaction but still looking smug as Jaune looks out the window seeing a huge forest. 

They land on the destination with the guys getting out of the bullhead. "Now if I’m correct it should be around here the last time I came here", mumbles Ozy. As he touches his scroll for the map. Jaune starts zooming around the area to see anything interesting.

As he darted around the forest his scroll was out and taking pictures of all the plants that he came across and the few animals that were there. This continues until Sage grabs the collar of his shirt mid dart “Alright speedy no need to get lost before we even find the place.” An annoyed tick mark appears on his forehead as he pulls his collar away from Sage “Who said I was gonna get lost” Sage just stares the blonde down not bothering to say anything. “Hey if you two are done arguing the temples this way!” The two break off the stare and turn to where Leo was pointing and begin the final stretch of their journey. When they were walking to the temple they noticed some weird things. Like the green of the trees slowly morphing into crystals. Even some deer whose horns resemble different shapes of hearts, cloves, spades and diamonds. Leona walked into one who was just looking at him "Should i kill it?" He asks specifically about Jaune.

Sage just sighs knowing where this gous. 'This ain't ending well for Jaune' as he looks at his side Jaune just looks completely conflicted. "Well I say no, since this is possibly a new species." He says wild he coughs for a bit. Until he yell scaring the new deers species "WHY THE FUCK YOU WOULD SUGGEST THAT!!"

Leo grabs the sides of his head and backs away as Jaune just continues waking behind Ozy. “Dang didn’t even know he could get that loud” Sage glances at his fellow student still clutching his head in pain and stops him from walking into a tree before throwing him over his shoulder “Tell me when you're feeling better because I am not caring you the whole time”. The group continues going through the forest with the trees and plants having a crystal coating on them all. “I can’t believe this” he grabs one of the flowers off the ground and slides his fingers along it “It’s all still plant but it’s got something similar to cry’s-“ he suddenly stops and drops his flower causing it to gain cracks. “What the heck mannnnn” in front of the group were two large doors each adorned with multiple crystals and gems giving different patterns

"Wow" says Jaune as he looks impressed at the door he starts to move closer to the door but is suddenly stopped by Ozy who grabs him by the neck of the shirt. "Hey let me go!" Yells the blond trying to get rid of the hand holding him back. But the black hair teen just sighs before grabbing a rock and throwing it at the door. On contact the rock suddenly glows and turns into dust.

Making the blond yelp in surprise. But having Sage just roll his eyes "good thing Ozymandias stop you, if he didn't you would been a dust pile"

“Y-yeah” the blonde then backs away a bit more watching the door as he takes each step. “So how are we even supposed to get in with the death doors” Ozy turns towards Sage and just stares him in the eye before grabbing one of the crystal covered flowers and throws it at the door. It flew through the air before hitting the door and similar to the rock, glowed then exploded. “Hmm” he grabs another flower and throws it at the wall to the side of the door. The flower makes contact but just falls to the ground after. “Ahh I see, such a simple trick” The three stare as Ozy just walks to the wall before sending a fist through it with little issue, a couple more punches and a sizable hole was now in the wall in which the four enter the temple.

Leona whistles as he looks inside "This looks nice but it's a shame it can't be mine" he says making Jaune look strange at him but ignores it. As they walk Sage talks to Ozymandias ''mmm how are you so sure that Jaune would start to love you?" He hums as the others just cough.

"I just wanted to bring him here but, the same question goes to you, are you sure he would like you for the assets you have?" He says in a tainting tone signaling to his muscles and chest.

“Oh? Now who said that was my plan to get his attention” he walks away leaving Ozy behind. “Hehe” Turning his head Ozy sees Leo quickly look away poorly hiding his smirk “What are you laughing at!” Leo stops hiding it and just goes into a fit of giggles and laughter. “Oh I’m sorry but watching that was just funny for some reason, now come on we’re being left behind” he then walks away with Ozy quickly behind him.

Ahead of them Sage and Jaune are looking at the walls with different types of gemstones embedded into different sections. Jaune looks at the well-great design of the walls as he about to touch something he hears a loud click of near Leona as suddenly a bright light engulfed them. As the light dies down the four are nowhere to see.

“Ahh what the heck happened” Sage gets up and looks around and finds himself in a hallway covered in different green gemstones. “Huh not bad, now time to find the others” he starts walking down unsure where it leads. While Sage was walking down the hallway he didn't notice a shadow following him.

In another place

"Dammit" growls Leona as if on instinct he pulls out his scythe and stabs it through the wall to stop his descent. He looks around, seeing in an open space where for what he can see is nothing more than a huge room filled with multiple gem trees. "Gotta say it’s very beautiful" he says before yawning, feeling himself getting tired. "It could be a nice napping spot but it not a good place to be here"

He then pulls out his scythe from the wall and lands before looking around at finding a small crystal forest. “Man, just how big is this place?” Using his scythe Leo begins going through the forest while avoiding getting any shards on himself. 

Ozy is walking around a room with no door with his hands and ear on the wall with him occasionally tapping on it and listening. “Almost got it” he taps the wall again and hears a hollow sound. “Ahh ha!” He winds his hands back, summoning his hammer and smashes the wall into pieces.

Ozymandias hums at the tunnel as he sees the flames on the wall as he swings his hammer to his shoulder and whistles a charming tune. "Lets see what this place can give". As he walked he noticed something shifting in the corner of his eye.

With Jaune

"Well this is a predicament" says the blond as he tries to get rid of some crystal vines that he was trapped by. "But it's better than there" he mumbles looking down at the bottomless pit he is hanging above. 

Without taking his eyes off the pit he carefully reaches behind and grabs one of his back and grabs one of his blades before slowly cutting one of the vines. “To whatever gods are out there please don’t let me die” The vine is cut through and he quickly grabs onto as many as he can before swinging forward and jumping away from the vines and landing on a ledge of the other side. “Alright now time to find the others” he begins walking through the halls noticing the yellow gems all throughout the walls.

Jaune hums as he looks around at the wall cover gems "So pretty i hope the treasure is hidden here and the arcana are real!" He smiles before starting to run down the hall.

With leona

"Mmm maybe I can win him over with this" Says leona to himself as he picks up a aquamarine leaf he picks up from one of the many plant crystal life here. The area he is in at the moment has an aquatics look to it. With a multitude  of rivers and lakes to it but Leona doesn't care. "Tsk" and he throws away the leaf to the water underneath him "No no it won't do i need to win and make Jaune mine first before that prince" be says before hearing something coming to his direction.

 Devils of remnant the hybrids JourneyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon