Take My Breath

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I placed the script down in my desk and smiled to myself. I was excited about teaming up with one of my favorite directors of all time, Tim Burton. The moment I read the script, I knew I had to partner up with him and offer him my full support. I was now the producer of the movie and filming would begin tomorrow.

In Hollywood, I was known as a producer. In Latin America, I was the daughter of one of Mexico's most beloved singers. I was born into one of Mexico's biggest dynasties of what we called "ranchera music." My family was beloved. And while I loved and breathe music, I was also enamored by film. I was a first generation Mexican American. I was born in San Diego, California. And grew up living the best of both worlds. I loved my family and was incredibly proud of my family's history. But I wanted to make it on my own. And I wanted to do so in the film industry.

I learned from an early age that I was to be grateful for the life I had. And the privileges I had. But that didn't stop my parents or my grandparents form insisting I work hard for what I wanted. And that I get an education. I did. I studied hard and made it to Stanford University where I double majored in Law and Science. But my heart remained in the entertainment industry. So, I work hard and long until I was accepted in the film industry. I had produced a couple of movies but none of them excited me as much as this one.

I arrived on set earlier than anyone else. I walked around the sound stage and looked over every detail. It was perfect. But then again, as a long time Tim Burton fan, I didn't expect anything less from him. The maestro. The legend.

"You're here early!"

I turned around and saw Tim approaching me.
"I was too excited to sleep in. I wanted to get here before everyone else so I could walk around the sound stage," I laughed.

Tim laughed and gave me a big hug. "I wouldn't expect anything else from Ms. Stanford University."

"And yet, here I am. Working on a movie set!" We both laughed. Tim knew I was proud of my scholastic achievements. But I couldn't help to get a little bit embarrassed when he would bring it up.

"What time does filming start?" I asked.

"In about an hour or so."

"I'm gonna head down to my trailer to finish some emails and I'll be back then."

I poured myself some of my favorite Armenian coffee and ate a breakfast sandwich, while I read and responded to my emails. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled, as I continued to respond to one of my emails.

"There's my favorite scientist, lawyer, producer!"
I smiled. I recognized that Spanish accent. I turned around and saw Javier Bardem making his way to where I was sitting.

"Just producer."

"Ah si, perdon! Producer." He laughed. I got up and gave him a big hug. It was good to see Javier. I had met him and Penelope a couple of years ago, when I had just begun to produce. I loved him and always felt a sense of kinship with him. He always teased that Mexicans were really Spaniards that decided to move from the Motherland. He loved to remind me of that one and I always rolled my eyes at that comment. He knew how to make me laugh even when I didn't want to.

"Are you excited to start filming?" I asked him.

"I am so excited!" He smiled. "Your coffee smells delicious. Can I have some?" Everyone knew about my addiction to Armenian coffee. So much so that Armenian coffee was always a staple in every set I worked on.
"I don't know...I might have to charge you!" I joked.

Aside from having the honor to work with Javier in this movie, we had a great cast. Paul Bettany, Tom Hiddleston, Elizabeth Olsen, Zoe Saldana, and Johnny Depp. I had only met Paul and Tom so far. And I loved them both dearly. I was excited to work with the rest of them.

When Javier was called on set, I remained in my trailer finishing up my emails. A couple of minutes later, I got a call from Tim. He asked me to join him on set so he could introduce me to the rest of the cast. This was by far, my favorite part of working on a movie. Meeting the actors. I was lucky enough that I liked all the actors I have worked with. Some more than others. But that was to be expected.

When I walked into set, Tim was talking to someone sitting next to him. I couldn't make out who he was. Tim must have heard me walk in because he turned around and said "Oh, there she is! Our producer. Jennifer Hernandez."

The man turned to look at me and I recognized him instantly. It was Johnny Depp. He was a lot more handsome in person. His eyes were gentle. His smile was genuine. But he seemed shy.
"Nice to meet you, "he said extending his hand towards me.

"It's nice to meet you, too." I smiled back, shaking his hand. His skin was so soft.

For the first time in a long time, I felt a surge of energy, all over my body. What in the world was that? Why did that handshake have such an effect on me? And why is he still looking at me? I was praying that I wouldn't blush in front of him.

I heard Tim's voice. But it seemed like his voice was far away. As if I was dreaming.

"I'm sorry. What?"

Tim laughed. I was so embarrassed. I really hope he hadn't noticed the effect Johnny had on me. "And another thing, Johnny. This one drinks way too much Armenian coffee. That was a side effect of that coffee. Stay away from it!"

We all laughed. I was relieved. At least he didn't embarrass me.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Johnny. I'm gonna head out to meet the rest of the cast."

"It was nice to meet you, too. I'll see you around." He smiled.

Please, stop looking at me like that! I was so glad I had an excuse to walk away before I stood there and drooled over that man. Get it together, Jen! No time for celebrity crushes.

I turned around to check out the main stage once more and I locked eyes with Johnny. He was still looking at me. My heart was pounding, and I quickly walked out of his sight. 

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