Ooo Baby Baby

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I watched her sleep. Even with all the bruises on her face, she was still beautiful. It worried me that she cried at the drop of a dime, but the doctor assured us it was normal. Given all the trauma she had been through. Reuniting with her family was healing for her. I could feel it. She had cried so much when she first saw them, that she exhausted herself. We decided to let her get some rest as we walked back into the waiting room.

"When can we take her home, doctor?" I asked as I sipped on my cup of coffee.

"I would recommend her staying here for a couple of more days," he responded. "But I know she really wants to go home."

"She does," Jen's mother responded.

"I'll tell you what," the doctor began. "If you can get her personal doctors to make house calls and keep up to date with her condition, then I have no problem releasing her."

"Good," I nodded.

"But I think it would be best if she stays here in Mexico," the doctor continued. "I think they're gonna want her to testify in court."

"Hell no," I snapped. "Absolutely not. She's been through enough. She can do that in the comfort of her own home. Via video."

"I'm not so sure," the doctor responded. "The investigators did say that she—"

"No," I interrupted him. There was no way Jen was going to stay in Mexico. She wanted to go home. She needed to be home. To heal. To recover. It was fuck everyone else, as far as I was concerned.

"Mr. Depp," the doctor began.

"With all due respect, doctor," I began. "Covid is still a thing. I know all about trials and how testifying works. I also know that there's always a way to accommodate witnesses. Defendants. I will talk to the investigators and will make sure that she gets the accommodation she deserves. She will not step inside a courtroom."

I felt Jen's dad place a hand on my shoulder. He smiled at me and nodded. "Johnny is right," he said. "The investigators will take care of everything. But my daughter needs to go home."

The doctor looked at both of us and then nodded. "Okay," he smiled. "I'll sign her release forms as soon as everything is arranged."

"Thank you," Jen's dad nodded.

Jen's dad got on the phone and began to arrange things with the investigators. We wanted to make sure that Jen was out of the country as soon as she possibly could. The investigators assured us that they would do everything in their power to work closely with authorities and the court so that Jen would be able to testify via a video conference. Back at home. I was grateful for that.

"One more thing," I began. "Make sure that Alex, that stupid son of a bitch gets the harshest sentence. I want him behind bars for years. Decades. All his fucking life. Because I promise you that if he gets a short sentence, I will kill him."

Jen 's dad looked at me but said nothing. Maybe I was pushing it, but I didn't care. I wanted Jen safe. And I wanted that motherfucker to pay for what he did to her. I wanted him to rot inside prison for the rest of his life. And I would do anything in my power to make sure that he would never see the day of light ever again.

"Yes sir," one of the investigators responded.

A couple of hours later, we were headed to the airport to fly back home. As soon as we got there, the Mexican media were waiting for us. I felt my blood boil.

"Why the hell are they here?" I almost growled.

Jen looked scared. She looked around and I could feel her begin to panic.

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