What About Us?

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We hadn't slept much the night before. We both knew that we had meetings later that afternoon and that allowed us to sleep in that morning. I had awakened a little bit earlier but when I saw Johnny still sleeping, I decided to go back to sleep and wake up a little bit later. I was still exhausted from the night before.

Have I doubt when I'm alone
Love is a ring, the telephone
Love is an angel disguised as lust
Here in our bed until the morning comes

I kept hearing Johnny's voice and it felt comforting. Even in my dreams, he was perfect.

Come on now, try and understand
The way I feel under your command
Take my hand as the sun descends
They can't touch you now
Can't touch you now, can't touch you now

But it wasn't a dream. Johnny was singing to me quietly. I could feel the heat of his mouth in my ear. Singing lovingly. Seductively. How was this man real? I didn't want to wake up. I wanted him to continue to sing to me.

Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to lust
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us

He then placed a soft kiss on my lips. I couldn't take it anymore; I opened my eyes and met his gaze.

"I wanted you to keep on singing," I smiled. "Your voice is so sexy in the morning."

"Only in the mornings?" he chuckled.

"You know you're sexy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week," I teased.

He laughed and shook his head. "Thank you, baby."

I placed my hands around the back of his neck to pull him closer to me. I could no longer resist him. I kissed him hungrily. He kissed me back with the same passion. Before our make out session go out of hand. Again. Johnny pulled away.

"Baby," he smiled. "If we continue, we are never leaving this room."

"I know," I pouted. "Well then stop distracting me."

He thew his head back and laughed. I wrapped the bed sheet around me and began to get out of bed. I winced. Yeah, I was definitely sore from last night.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"I think I'm sore."

"Ah," he smirked. "I was pretty good, wasn't I?"

I stared at him for a bit before grabbing a pillow and throwing it in his direction. "Jerk."

He dodged the pillow and laughed.

"I'm taking a shower," I rolled my eyes and began to walk away.

"Can I join you?" I heard him ask.

"No," I said turning around to look at him. "I want you to sit there and think about your innocent little girlfriend being sore. And it being your fault."

"My fault?" he smiled. "Really?"

"Yes," I winked at him.

"All the more reason to make it up to you, then," he smiled.

"Bye, Mr. Depp," I said walking into the bathroom.

"Now who's being mean?" I heard him ask as I closed the door.

Both Johnny and I had meetings later that afternoon, but we still had time to have breakfast with Christi, Sean, Lin-Manuel, Vanessa, and their kids.

"What's wrong?" Vanessa asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"Did you hurt your ribs?" she frowned. "You just winced."

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