Chapter 4

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"Come on please let me have a piece!!" Whined Pietro.

Everyone had introduced themselves to Cora and all were now sitting around a pile of pizza boxes. They were all eating away and chatting apart from Pietro. According to what Bucky told Cora, Pietro only is allowed a certain amount of lices of pizza because he eats too fast and others don't get enough. As soon as they all had sat down he had demolished his share and now has to wait till everyone is finished and if there is any left over.

"Hey Cora, you aren't going to be able to finish your pizza are you? I can always help?" Suggested Pietro, inching closer and closer to her.

"Nah huh" she shook her head with a mouthful of food in her mouth. When she swallowed she continued, "i always finish my pizza. Don't think you can get any from me because I'm new. Go pick on someone else" she said, picking up her last piece.

"Damn it" he sighed, ducking his head and scooting back over to his place.

Everyone who had caught the interaction, laughed.

"So, is anyone going to tell me what I will be working on?" Cora asked to everyone.

There were a few glances exchanged between each avenger causing a long delay of silence, until Natasha broke it.

"Hydra. We need to find them, finish them off."

"That doesn't seem that difficult. You've done it before right?" Cora questioned.

"Yes, we have. But we think they are getting stronger." Explained Steve. "We have reason to believe there isn't just one base. I mean they would be pretty stupid to still have one base. We just need some fresh eyes to help us. And that's where you come in"

"How did you even know about me?" Cora asked the question that was lingering in her mind. Why me? How did the avengers know I exist?

"Fury recommended you to us." Bucky said.

"Okay then." Cora nodded, still unsure about the whole situation. "Do we have any sort of action plan?"

"Not really. We are pretty spontaneous. And plus when we do have an action plan it never goes our way anyway." Smiled Nat, making Cora chuckle.

As the conversation had continued, some had drifted off into their own little circles, discussing their own things. Which left Cora sitting with Steve, Bucky, Sam, Nat, Wanda and Vision.

"So Cora tell us a bit about you" smiled Wanda as she leaned against Vision.

"Well I'm sure you have seen recordings of my work from Fury. I live to work I guess. Some people work to live and to have nice things, to be able to go out and spend time with family and friends. But me? I wake up in the morning because I have work." She chose nervously.

"You don't have any friends?" Said Vision.

"Oh no, no I do have friends. I just um don't have many of them and they all have other responsibilities, you know." She cleared her throat, "families"

"And your family?" Vision continued to ask which caused Wanda to tighten her grip on his hand, silently communicating.

"I have family. My dad. And my mum. Only child though" she smiled. "They are divorced, have been since I was 12 I think. Funny enough though they still live together" she laughed, "we never really had much money so to save the money they just stayed living together. And for me probably."

"Do you have a husband-"


"Oh it's okay, Wanda. I don't have a husband." Cora laughed awkwardly. "Don't have anyone"

Everyone went quiet for a moment.

"Anyway what about you all? I can tell Wanda and Vision are a couple, I mean you are practically on top of eachother" said Cora, causing a blush to rise on Wanda and the others to laugh.

"These two and pepper and Tony are basically the only couple here. Everyone else it's... complicated" smiled Nat.

"I understand complicated on another level" she laughed. "And you Bucky? It's complicated for you?"

Bucky looked like a child being caught eating the last piece of cake. "What? Oh um" his eyes shifted around the room, landing a number of times on Natasha. Which didn't go unnoticeable by Cora. "Yeah complicated."

Cora nodded, mentally taking a note to ask the others about this.

The evening went on, small talks about the mission ahead of them and getting settled. After a while though, Cora felt drained. Exhausted. She had gone quiet and stayed slumped on the couch silently listening to everyone converse.

"Bored of us already?" A voice said to her, a large body came and sat next to her.

She looked to the side and was greeted with the smile of Steve.

"No, no. Just tired"

"Yeah I know. You look at it" he said.

"Wow Steve, thanks. Do I really look that bad?"

"Wait- no I didn't mean it like that!" He quickly said making Cora laugh. "What I meant was, you have changed since you first came down. You're quieter. I guess you were tired. You don't look tired. In fact you look very pretty"

"Steve, please don't flatter me. It will go straight to my head, trust me" she smiled, winking.

She felt him relax next to her, sinking further into the couch.

"I'll be going up soon. So you can follow along if you want. I'm usually the first one in bed. I'm an old man now"

Cora giggled lightly, "that's not good for me. Going to bed at the same time as a 100 year old man? That won't look good on my side"

"Eh I'm sure everyone will let you off for tonight. But the other nights they will want you to be partying with them!" Steve chuckled.

"Oh my partying days are well over!"

Their eyes locked and they stared at each other deeply for a few moments. Although just those few moments seemed to last a long time.

"I'm really look forward to working with you"

"I guess I am too" smiled Cora.

A slight blush appeared on Steve's face as he looked down to his lap.


Sorry I haven't been posting. Work is stressful. And I have also been focusing just on reading myself - currently reading "Where the Crawdads Sing" - in love with it already. If you have any book recs please comment, they can be both wattpad and physical!

Also send some marvel recs - can never get enough.


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