Chapter 6

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Not edited

Papers were scattered around the table and Cora stared at them with her hand around her chin and her eyes squinting.

"So in simple terms, you thought you had finished dealing with Hydra. But a year ago when you were on a mission, you had a feeling they are still alive. Since then you have failed to find them. So you turned to me to help you to track down people that could very well be dead?" She asked, looking around the table.

"When you put it like that it sounds like we are stupid" piped up Sam.

"No, it's not just a feeling okay? I was with them and I know how they work. I could tell they were involved" said Bucky.

It all seems strange to Cora. Why is she involved with this? Why are they bringing someone else into this? Someone who will now be in danger? And why her?

Having a "feeling" didn't seem enough reason to go this far.

Cora signed, who was she to judge. She was here to do her job. Even if it meant wasting her time.

"Okay fine. What mission were you completing when you got this 'feeling'?" She asked.

Bucky looked to Steve, wanting him to answer. Steve caught his stare, "it wasn't really a mission", he admitted.

"What? Wh- okay listen" she began to get frustrated, "if you want my help I need to know the full story. I don't work on lies"

"We heard something from the news." Cora turned to look to Natasha as she began to speak, "an event had occurred and the pattern looked too familiar"

"What event?"

"We can't disclose that" she responded. "It happened in new York. Something about it wasn't normal. It linked to Hydra. The way it happened. Both Bucky and I know it too well. Leave no witnesses"

"Okay. What information have you been able to collect in the past year"

Steve threw more papers and folders onto the table. "That's what we have been able to get"

"I'll need time to review that then" Cora said looking around. "Give me the afternoon and I should be up to date with everything"

"Thought you didn't need to read papers. Can't you just figure it out quickly?" Asked Sam.

"That's when I have people to question and watch. Where I have witnesses, suspect's. Where I have the full details. In this case. I have no people to question and watch. I have no witnesses and I don't have the full details. So for this one off, I'm going to need to read the papers" she explained collecting them all. She looked around again to see everyone's eyebrows raised and a few smirks. "I'll see you all later"


Hours had gone by, Cora had lost track. All she knew was she was hungry. And tired. Reading so much information where the sentences were never finished wasn't easy. There was always something missing. Something that obviously 'couldnt be disclosed'.

It reminder her so much of when she first started investigating. She would take home all the files and memorise them, but never know what they were talking about. She felt her eyes close and drift to sleep.

"I'm home!" shouted a voice.

Cora turned and looked down the corridor of her small apartment. "In here"

"There's my little detective" a man said, smiling as he walked into the living room to see her sitting on the floor.

"Hey baby" she smiled back, looking up at him. He leant down and pressed a kiss to her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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