Chapter 5

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What she liked about last night was that it was busy. There was no silence. No break in the conversations. No chance for her to think. For her mind to wander off.

She had fallen asleep quickly which surprised her. Usually she would be awake for hours trying to force herself to sleep.

Her bed was incredibly comfortable. It was like sleeping on a marshmallow. The duvet and quilt was huge making it feel like there was someone lying next to her.

But there wasn't.

The bed was empty, apart from her and the pillows. The natural sun light was shining into her room, making her feel like she was in some sort of luxurious hotel on vacation. A vacation to escape reality.

But she wasn't.

She was working. Working with the avengers, which was better than everyday working. It added change to her lifeless daily routine. Sometimes she felt like she was living the same day over and over again.

Wake up. Get ready. Eat bagel. Go to work. Sit in work. Complain about work. Annoy Harry at work. Get the bus home. Visit the corner shop. Buy ice-cream, coffee, bagels and milk. Walk home. Feel depressed. See hi to James. Say bye to James after an awkward encounter. Sit on the couch. Look around the apartment. Think about redecorating. Think about moving. Think about dyin-. Water plants. Eat another bagel. Go to bed. Cry.

At least now she will have a different routine. Hopefully a different routine every day.

A knock on the door broke her thoughts, she sat up in bed and made sure the duvet was covering her up fully.

The pajamas she had on weren't extremely revealing but flashing one of the avengers on her first full day was not what we wanted to do.

"Come in" she called.

The door slowly opened and a small girl with a wide smile head peaked through the door at first before fully stepping in the room.

"Hi" she said, sitting herself down on the bed. "My name is Morgan"

"Hi Morgan, I'm Cora" she smiled back at the little girl, shaking the small hand she had extended.

Without saying a word, Morgan peeled back the covers and settled herself into the bed next to Cora, snuggling the covers closer to her.

Cora had not expected this at all. She didn't know what to do. This child, who had never met her before, had quite comfortably got into her bed with her and lay down.

"I pick who I want morning cuddles with everyday" the girl said, "usually it's Bucky, because he plays tickle monster. But he has gone for a run with Stevie. So I came to you"

Her heart stopped. Me?

"Dad said that you are nice and I wanted to meet you" she continued to example, more like ramble.

Cora finally spoke, "well I am very glad you did. I have been looking forward to meeting you"

"Me?" Morgan jumped up and climbed onto Coras lap, "I think we could be friends. We could play with my dolls. Usually I play with Natasha but I don't think she gets the game. And Wanda is always kissing Vision." 

A smile creeped onto Coras face as she listened to her rambling. She missed the times were the only thing she worried about was who she would play dolls with. 

"I would love to be your friend. And I would love to play dolls with you" she smiled down at the girl, who after hear that threw her arms around Coras shoulders and rested her head on her shoulder.

Time seemed to stop. All her thoughts were on Morgan, who had no worry about the stranger she was hugging, no idea of who she was, or where she came from. Cora snuggled her head in between the child's head and shoulder. And closed her eyes. Cherishing the moment.

Unknowing to both girls, the bedroom door had been opened by two super soldiers who witnessed the whole encounter with smiles on their faces.

"I thought I could play dolls with you" pouted Bucky, making the two jump.

"Bucky!" Morgan shot up running to the door and clinging to his legs.

Cora smiled at the two and pulled her covers closer to herself, feeling very exposed. 

"Good morning" greeted Steve, "I see you have met Morgan. We were going to come see if you were awake for some breakfast" 

"Yeah I'll come down now, just need to change" she smiled sheepishly gesturing to her bed.

"Oh of course" he nodded smiling back, "come on you two" he pushed Bucky and Morgan who were play fighting out of the room. Just before the room closed fully, Cora caught Steve look back and blush.

The smile on her face didn't fall until she was dressed and walking downstairs. And even then it was still there.

"Wow there smiley. What's up with you?" Said a voice called out to her. She turned and saw Pietro leaning again the doorframe. 

"Nothing. Just a good start to my day" she shrugged.

"Did you have sex?"

"What?! No! Why- what's wrong with you?" 

Pietro burst out laughing, clutching his stomach. "Oh you should have seen your face!"

Cora rolled her eyes and walked away and into the kitchen to see Steve with Morgan clinging to his back. They were standing at the stove which sat on the island in the middle of the room. On one side were cupboards and on the other side were four high stools.

Noticing Cora walk in, he looked up and smiled, "we are making pancakes,  if you want some"

Cora nodded walking to the stools and sat herself down, "anything I can do to help?"

Steve's eyebrows furrowed and pouted his lips, "no you're the guest"

She laughed lightly at pouting face, "I'm not on vacation Steve. I'm working"

He looked up from the pan, flipping another pancake, "still the guest" he smirked making Cora chuckle.

"Right, stinky, will you grab the plates?" Steve said, turning to Morgan and knelt down slightly allowing Morgan to jump off.

"I'm not stinky. You're stinky" she mumbled walking to grab three plates.

Cora smiled at the interaction and watched as the small girl struggled to pick up the plates. She decided to stand and help her. Morgan smiled sheepishly as Cora took the plates and held her hand out for her to take.

She loved how quick she was able to feel comfortable with Morgan. And with Steve. She felt safe and understood?

Once the pancakes had been placed and the three of them had sat and began to eat, Tony walked through the door with a mug of coffee in his hand.

"Morning daddy! I'm eating pancakes with Steve and Cora" Morgan said smiling at her father.

"I can see that pumpkin. Morning you too. Ready for a day full of work Cora?"

"That depends on what I'm actually dealing with" she gave him a tight lipped smile.

"Right" Tony said clicking his fingers, "you don't know yet. Well I'm sure Steve will fill you in once you have eaten."

Cora looked to Steve and smiled.

Let's do this.

Sorry I haven't been posting, I have really struggled trying to get ideas of what to write

Thank you for still reading though!

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