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I tap my pen on my knee four times skipping a beat to restart the count. Closely focusing on my breath clearly.



The man sticks out his hand
"Welcome to the team."

"Oh oh thank you Agent hotchner. You have no idea what this means to me grazie, merci, gracias. Oh my is there any other language I can say it in to help you understand how big this is for me."

"Just shake my hand." He smiles

I nod and shake his hand. They were warm and rugged.

"You start tomorrow. I suggest doing some research on the team you joining is later then I expected I apologize." He gives a quick smirk and grabs his jacket leading me out the room

I follow after him and give him a small wave before heading towards my car

I take out hand sanitizer and my keys

I realized a couple of guys walking past me. They all had this lustful smirk on their faces. They began to walk towards me

"Hey hot stuff why don't you give me your number"

"No." I fumbled with my keys and end up dropping them.

I bent down and picked them up but when I  got up I felt a hot airy sensation on the nape of my neck.

"I said no."

"Oh come on what's the worse thing that can happen?"

Spencer's POV

"Hey look Reid" Morgan pointed at a girl being surrounded by a group of men

"Do you think we should intervene?" I ask already walking that way anyway

"Yea but don't get to close. Remember you still don't have a gun. If they have a weapon we're done for"

As we walk closer I couldn't help but stop and watch as her hair whips the scary looking guy as she turned

"Men are about 80% more to commit crimes and get charged for it. That being said 1 in five women get effected by sexual violence crimes. Not to mention your a white male. Which are most likely to commit rape and second most likely to murder. It doesn't look like you get many woman. I say you're about 5'6 and have mommy issues. So thank you but I much rather go home. And end up alive tonight" The woman walked around her car and pressed her car keys.

She hopped into her car and begin to carefully pull out of her parking spot
Your POV

Two guys walked closer toward my car. These guys didn't look suspicious. They looked way nicer than the other group of guys

The guy who hit on me walked around my car. This time very angry. He began to pull at the door. As I try to drive out of the spot

The two fresh cleaned guys begin to walk towards my  car. More on high alert. I park my car and unlock the car door. I open the door.

"Stay in your car ma'am we can handle this."

"I'm fine thank you." You shrug as my eyes trail down the man's body to his hand on his gun.

"You're a officer?" I Ask

The creep begins to pull on my arm.

The other two men don't answer me. The creeps friends begin to walk towards the rest of us.

The creep pulled out a knife.
"Put the knife down now." The taller of the two cleaned cut men yell

I reach into my holster near my pocket and pull out my gun.

Doctor love <3 (Spanish Y/N X Spencer Reid) Where stories live. Discover now