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A week passed. A makeup date. That's all you wanted.

"Sorry Y/N.." Garcia smiled at you as you walked in on a Friday.

California. I could do California.

The team is rushed on the jet and we begin to fly off. I read up on what we're working on.

"Hey... You okay?" Morgan asked sitting across from me.

"Saturday was supposed to be Reid and I's make up date. And now we are going to California with a bunch of privileged wannabes where I doubt I will get my date."

I place my face in my hands. Morgan moved my hands and smiles at me

"Show me that pretty smile Princess."

"Come on. That's not how a pretty and funny genius should be acting."

I laughed a little

"How should she be acting."

"Happy to go see her other little genius." Elle snickered

"She's got a point." Morgan gave a sly look


"Oh god come on. It's obvious enough right." Elle rolls her eyes

"You're right. Thank you Elle." Morgan smiles at Elle

"Of course."

We got there pretty fast surprisingly. Gideon and Reid were at the station.

As we walked in I saw Reid looking around Frantically

"Hi." I said walking up to him

"H-hi." He smiled and looked at me with a toothless smile

My heart began to beat faster

"Having fun in California without me?"

"Never." Reid placed his hand on my neck

"It's going away pretty fast."

"Yeah I know surprisingly."

"He held on tight?" Reid's jaw clenched

"That's not relevant now."

"You're right..."

I grabbed Reid hand and we walked towards the giant board they set up back.

I had to admit I was a bit bored.. distracted even. God did his hands always look like that.. I bit at the top of my marker.

I mean victimology was clear..

Profile could be made fast.

"Who ever it is.. I don't think they'll stop. I mean sure the murders were months apart.. but this unsub wont stop.."

"He." Reid said

"Excuse me?" I asked turning around

"I said he. It's a he unsub. Labeling his pronouns makes it easier for others to find him."

"But I don't think we can rule it out it's not a woman."

"I don't think so. This doesn't seems like a female unsub. I mean murders of attractive young blonde women.. usually doesn't mea-"

A man barged in and began to talk to Hotch. He complained about his client. And how she had gotten some sort of note

"May I see this note? Did you bring it with you."

"M-my client has it."

I nod and walk towards a room with Reid.


Doctor love <3 (Spanish Y/N X Spencer Reid) Where stories live. Discover now