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"Does anyone have eyes on Y/N?" Hotch asked through the ear piece

"Nope."Morgan said

"Non at all, Reid?" Elle groaned looking around

"Non. He put drugs in her drink... and she isn't anywhere to be seen.. I'm heading out now."

"Reid stay put. Y/N is a smart girl." Gideon demanded

I huffed out some air and headed for the front door.
He pulled me up against the wall

"What are you doing?"

The unsub laughed at me

His hand came into contact with my neck and his grip tightened

I grabbed onto his arm

"You really don't get it."

I took small slow breaths

"You're the reason my brother is in jail..." his grip got tighter

I gasped for a bit of breath

"I-I don't know what you mean..."

"I'm gonna hurt you.. the way my brother would of hurt you."

"Y-you killed those girls.." I asked pulling at his arm

"I didn't kill the pretty petite blondes.. I just helped him find them. But you ... I'm gonna kill you all by myself."

His knife was pointed at my chin. I felt the cold metal on my skin

"You killed those girls... I knew they looked like me.."

"You were our goal beautiful.. oh I'm gonna have so much fun with you."

"So you admit to killing those girls and helping your brother with the other ones."

"Isn't that what I just said"

"Yes yes it is" I smiled at him

"Y/N!" I heard my name in the distance

I kicked the unsub in the groin He groaned but lunges for me again. With one swing of my fist he hit the alley wall. Hitting his head Stumbling back I took his knife.

I took both his arms and put them behind his back. I then stood on him.

"Y/N!" I heard another yell. I knew that voice

"Spencer? Over here!" I yelled

Spencer followed the sound of my voice.

I heard his foot steps followed by others
"Oh thank god.." He whispered underneath his breath

Y/N reached into her dresses cleavage area and pulled out a small black device.

She grabbed my hand and placed it in my hand. I turned a pinkish red

"That's his confession" she said out of breath

I grabbed out my flash light and shown in the alley way.

Y/Ns chin had been bleeding. And her neck..
"He did this to you?" I asked before placing my hand on her neck. I gently caressed her clear bruising skin.

"Did he get my chin?" She asked lifting a finger up to her chin

"Yes..he did" I said wiping it for her.

Cars and the rest of the team came around both corner of the alley.

"Y/N are you hurt?!" Hotch yelled his gun out

Doctor love <3 (Spanish Y/N X Spencer Reid) Where stories live. Discover now