Chapter 4

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"Where did she go?" I asked myself, looking around the store, tugging Angel by her hand.

"I want mommy!" She began to cry.

"It's okay. Don't cry, she couldn't have gotten far" I said, walking through the store with my left arm full. I glanced down the aisles trying to see if she was still in the store. On the way to the checkout out, I glanced down one aisle a tall lean man dressed in black had his head down reading a product in his hand, holding a white bag that I recognized from the toy store. Shaking my head I continued my way to the checkout out counter.

"Is everything alright ma'am?" I looked over and saw the cashier looking at me worriedly.

"I'm just looking for my friend" I said, looking him over. He had shaggy red hair, medium build and a couple inches taller than her.

"The dark haired woman?" He asked as I nodded. "She-" he was going to continue to speak when a voice spoke up.

"The woman just left" I turned around and my jaw dropped.

"No way! Andy Biersack back in the flesh!" The cashier's eyes widened in excitement. There was no way that was him.

"Hailey?" Andy raised a brow as he looked at me.

"Heyy... good to see you Biersack" I said, awkwardness lingering in the air. I felt like I had just been punched in the stomach. Roxxi wasn't going to be happy.

"Is this your daughter?" Andy asked, nodding toward Angel.

"You could say that" I looked around, wanting to be anywhere but here. Andy crouched down to Angel's eye level and pulled out a box with Batman on the side and handed it to her.

"I forgot to give this to you in the toy store since you said you liked it" Andy pulled out a black sharpie and scrippled something on the front of the box. Angel's mouth opened in shock.

"Thank you, Andy!" She opened her arms and hugged him around the neck as he patted her on the back.

"You're welcome. I'll see you later" Andy stood up and looked at me. " Bye Hailey" he said as he sat a phone on the check out counter and started to walk out of the store when he hesitated for a second before he walked out of the store.

"Well that was awkward" the guy said as he rang out my items. He gave me a cheeky smile, glancing up at me now and then. " Do you like wine?" He asked, grabbing my iphone and swiping it over the scanner. 'Good try buddy, but you don't light my fire and I'm so far out of your league' I thought as he finished checking out my items.

After paying, I grabbed my items, grabbed Angel by the hand and headed to the food court.

"What if we don't find mommy? Angel stopped in her tracks, making me come to a hault. I turned to look at Angel to see tears falling from her eyes and her face was bright red. I melted looking at her. I hated seeing her this way.

"Everything will be okay sweetie. We'll find mommy no matter what" I frowned, pulling her into a hug.

"What if we don't?" She sniffled.

"Don't think like that. Don't ever think about the negatives. Think about the positives.Ask yourself, what if we do find mommy? You'll come about a lot better than thinking about the bad stuff" I tapped her nose with my pointer finger, making Angel let out a small smile.

"You promise?" She asked holding out her pinkie finger.

"You bet I do" I grabbed her pinkie finger with mine and gave it a small kiss. I stood up and grabbed her hand as we walked around the mall looking for Roxxie until we got to the food court. At the edge of the food court sat Harley sitting by the doors, ready to run any minute if she was pushed to. Roxxi had always been like that ever since her best friend had left her in the middle of their senior year.

"Mommy!" Angel shouted as she took off running to where her mother sat with her face in her hands.

"Hi baby girl" Harley pulled her into a hug as Angel tried to pull out of her grip.

"Harls, can I talk to you?" I asked as she looked up at me as I got closer to her.

"Mommy, I met Andy" Angel announced.

"What do you mean baby?" She asked nervously. She sounded like she was on the on the verge of a nervous breakdown. "What is she talking about?" She turned from Angel to look back at me. I had to say something before he appeared.

"Harley, he's here" I frowned.

"No, he can't be" Harley shook her head, looking around her. "There must be some mistake. He hasn't been here since..." She trailed off as her eyes wandered. She suddenly got up and ran out the door. A crowd of people came swarming out of the halls following Andy and four other guys. They ran through the mall and out the same door Harley had.

"Come on Hailey!" Angel grabbed me by the hand and started running, trying to pull my weight when I ran out the door with her.

"Black Veil Brides, Black Veil Brides" the fans chanted as they followed the guys to their Black tour bus. I scooped up Angel in my arms and ran to the bus behind the fans. They pounded on the bus, trying to get their attention as I stood there watching them make fools of themselves.

"Andrew!" I shouted, putting Angel down when I seen the guys look out the window. One of them were pointing and turned to look at something or someone on the bus.

"Let her in!" He shouted. The door opened and a security guard stepped out of the bus, shutting the door behind him.

"Hailey Monroe, would you and your daughter step forward?" He asked. I grabbed Angel by the hand, heading up towards the security guard. He opened the door, gesturing us to go in. I was nervous as and wondering what the he'll was going on. I headed inside and walked a little ways to see the guys sitting at the dining table. Andy stood up with a serious look on his face.

"Where's Harley?"

A/N: It's finally here. I finally had time to update again and I'm going to try to have another update out soon. I love this story so far and I'm having so much fun writing it. I hope you all enjoy it too.

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