Care and Suffering

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"Gavin? Are you ready to get out now?" Nines asked softly from behind the closed door. Gavin continued to stare at the tiled wall of the massive bathroom. He was sitting in a huge tub, which had once been hot and steamy. He wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting there. Was the water even warm anymore? Did it matter? He wiped the wet flannel over his face again. He could still feel it. He was sure. It wasn't coming off. It wouldn't come off. It was going to be stuck on his skin forever. Oily. Greasy. He rubbed a little harder. "Gavin..." Nines called a little louder. The handle turned with a quiet click.

Gavin had stopped crying at some point. That was sort of progress. Not crying meant he could focus on breathing. He was worried he might forget how. He knew Nines had come in. He didn't turn his head. It was still on his face. He took the wet the cloth and rubbed it against his skin again. It was smearing. Spreading. Coating his whole face. He couldn't breathe. Firm hands gripped his own and pried the cloth from his shaking fingers. Gavin bit his teeth together. His eyes were sore. They were itchy. Something warm trickled down his cheeks.

"The water's cold...You should get out now," Nines murmured softly as he ran his fingers through Gavin's damp hair. His skin had at least gained a little colour since leaving the scene about three hours ago. Upon returning to the mansion, Elijah had shown them to a room they could use and Nines had run a hot bath. Elijah had provided them with some personal bathing products of his own design. He'd learned a long time ago that simple soap and water just didn't cut it when it came to thirium. Nines had left Gavin in the bath and checked on him a few times over the past hour and a half since he'd shut himself inside. Each time he'd asked if he was ready, Gavin had shaken his head or asked for five more minutes.

"Not yet! It's not-it's-not..." he trailed off, his stress levels climbing as he snatched the cloth back and ran it roughly over his face. Nines gripped his wrists and gently lowered his hands, leaning in to press his forehead against Gavin's, discouraging him from struggling. He was starting to panic again. Nines hushed him softly, gently nuzzling his forehead in what he hoped was a soothing manner. Despite Gavin's standoffish nature, he was actually a very tactile person. He shuddered as he greedily leaned into the offered affection. Gentle hands cupped his cheeks and stroked his trimmed stubble. "It won't come off...I can feel it! It-won't-come-off!" he whispered and sobbed vulnerably.

"Then I'll help you in the shower. The bath is cold now...Let's get you warm again, alright?" Nines murmured softly, watching Gavin's reddened eyes close as he nodded. He was shivering slightly from both the shock and the cold. Nines stood and helped him to his feet. He was at least able to stand now. Nines didn't even bother about his own clothing as he hefted Gavin out of the large jacuzzi-like tub and left it to drain. He grabbed the special gel and shampoo Elijah had given him and led Gavin into the large walk-in shower. He turned on the water, making sure Gavin was out of the spray until it was hot enough.

"Your clothes will get wet," Gavin mumbled as he watched the spray pouring over Nines' turtleneck and slacks. He sounded almost childlike. The sound prompted Nines to give him his best reassuring smile. He gently took Gavin's hands and eased him beneath the flow of water. It immediately helped with the shivering, quickly warming him through.

"It's alright. I don't mind...It's only water," Nines replied in his gentle, soothing tone. He was using an approximation of Connor's vocal pattern, though he kept it pitched to his own depth. He didn't want to make Gavin uncomfortable by using his brother's exact voice. Despite his insistence that he still had thirium on his face, Nines could see no evidence of it. He decided to wash him thoroughly anyway, to appease and reassure him. "This is a special gel your brother made...It was created to act as a degreaser for human skin. Any thirium will be washed off and I'll check as I go. I can see thirium even after it's turned invisible to human eyes. Do you remember that?" he checked, watching Gavin nod his understanding. After what happened with Connor and his jacket on the roof a few months back, he didn't think he'd ever forget it. He must have looked like a serial killer. Like he'd just carved up an android. The way Aaron had been taken apart. He gagged. Nines quickly grounded him. He held him tight and gripped the back of his neck, massaging gentle circles into the skin. Nines...

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