Wake Me Up

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Gavin hummed in contentment as soft, warm lips brushed along his bare shoulder. He sighed tiredly, burrowing his face further into the plush pillows. He could smell fresh cotton, a light trace of thirium, and a familiar spiced cologne. Gavin smiled and bit his lips as the weight on his back increased. The lips became more insistent, dragging along his shoulder to his neck, where the teasing lips became teeth. It was comfortable. Familiar. Gavin moaned as his hand fisted in the duvet, his member stirring as the teeth continued to work the reddened and bruised skin from the night before.

"You'll be late, Detective," Aaron's voice purred in his ear, nipping the shell before returning to his sensitive neck. He suckled and kissed the abused skin more as his large hand began trailing a path up Gavin's bare thigh beneath the covers. Gavin hummed softly as he leaned back against the strong body pressing up behind. He felt his heart drop as he opened his green eyes. The hand on his hip paused as Gavin looked over his shoulder, his body stiffening.

"I don't want to get up," he replied seriously, grief clear in his eyes as he looked at Aaron's gentle expression. If I wake up, you won't be here...you'll be gone...He turned over and rolled into Aaron's chest in a way he rarely had before. Aaron seemed surprised as he allowed himself to be turned onto his back so that he could hold Gavin closer. Long fingers ran through Gavin's hair as he tried not to let the scene slip away. The more aware he became, the more it would change. He didn't want to lose this moment. This moment was nice. This moment was safe.

"Gavin...You can't stay here like this. You need to wake up...You have work to do," Aaron soothed in encouragement, still wearing that stupidly soft smile as Gavin shook his head again with his usual stubbornness. Waking up meant he had to go back out there. The Hickory Killer could be anywhere. He could be planning anything. Gavin didn't want to lose anyone else. "If you stay here, you can't catch him," Aaron murmured as he pressed a gentle kiss into his hair. Gavin held on tighter. He was giving up hope of ever catching him. He'd always been a dozen steps behind. He'd never even managed to close in. He'd fallen into every single fucking trap.

"I'm not good enough!" he insisted vulnerably as he pushed himself up a little to look at Aaron's quizzical expression. Gavin looked guilty as he stared up with helpless green eyes. "I've never been good enough! It was my fault Jack died, and then I let my guard down, and you...you were safe! At home! I left you on Friday, and the next thing I knew, you'd..." Tears spilling from his eyes. Aaron's expression changed to one of sympathy as he gently wiped the tears away. Gavin wasn't sure whether he was wallowing in guilt or self-pity at this point. Probably both. I'm good at that.

"Your friends are right, Gavin...This wasn't your fault. It was never your fault...I know you can catch him...Just remember, you don't have to do it alone. Use your friends. Pool your resources. This killer is a man, and a man can be caught," Aaron assured wisely, though Gavin still felt doubtful. Aaron's smile softened as he slowly turned their bodies, pressing his lips against Gavin's in a familiar dance. They moulded together so perfectly. Gavin held the hands that found his own and pinned them to the mattress playfully. God, I'm going to miss this..."I'll miss it too..." Aaron replied softly, as if he'd read Gavin's mind. It was a dream. Maybe he had.

Gavin closed his eyes and melted into the mattress, accepting each kiss that was pressed against his wanton lips. It was softer than usual. More intimate. It was the type of affection they'd usually only shared on mornings when Gavin was on the late shift. The times Gavin had let his guard down and played pretend. Pretended he was ready for a long-term commitment. Pretended he was worth a damn. Pretended he had the capacity to put someone else first and make them happy. Pretended he could feel something for anyone without it being tainted with the fear of loss.

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