Hotel Part 2 - of 3 (Y/N's POV)

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Hey guyssss. I am currently dog sitting the sweetest little pupper. 🐾❤️

It's 3

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It's 3.30am and she is soundly asleep next to me, but I can't and I finally got the motivation to write this story. It's looooong overdue, I know, I know. I'm sorry.
So to make it up to you. I will publish both part 2 and 3 (out of technically 4) of "Hotel". I am currently in the process of writing them. I decided to go for a different take this time.

The first part "Hotel Part 1 - of 3. (What is that scent? 👃)"  is the already published part, from the authors/you readers - not characters, point of view. Like all of my stories, so far.

The second Part is this one "Hotel Part 2 - of 3 (Y/N's POV)" which is the story leading up to the smutty part aka THE MAIN ACT. But seen from Y/N's view (whether it's yourself, another irl person, a character you made up or whatever) that's, that person's POV, which will be I instead of you.

The Third Part that I'm gonna call "Hotel Part 2.5 - of 3 (John's POV)" is the exact same story from part 2 just written from John's Point of View.

The Fourth Part is og course, say it with me: THE SMUTTY PART and it's gonna be called "Hotel Part 3 of 3 (COULD IT BE LEMONS??? 🍋🍋🍋) - which is a reference to smut earlier being referred to as "lemon". Yea I don't know either.
But this one is gonna be out within next week. I promise. I would write it rn, but I need to get some more sleep, so this will have to do. Sorry.

Anyway you're all set to go now.
Btw. I'm getting up at 5.30am (in 1 hours and 40 minutes) because I'm going on vacation with my family and if anyone wanna go in my place lmk. It's a 5 hour long road trip to Harzen 🇩🇪. No thank you. It's gonna be over 30° C. And I'm gonna share a hotel room with a 16 year old boy for 6 days straight. Kill me.

Any way, I hope you like this different kind of take (: and thanks for always being patient with my lazy ass ❤️
- Author


I woke up to the sound of vibrations next to my head, opening my eyes, I realized it was my own phone. I'd forgotten to put it on 'do not disturb' mode.
I looked over at John and saw him fast asleep next to me, it was obvious he had fallen asleep mid-work as his MacBook and Notebook was resting on top of his covers and his light was still turned on, a pair of reading glasses resting crookedly on his face.
As annoyed as I was at myself for not having turned my phone off, my curiosity, however, got the better of me and after checking the time '2.16am' I surrendered and ended up checking Twitter and Instagram for the next 30 minutes, to the point where it was completely impossible to fall back asleep again.

In the end I decided to try, however all I was able to do was toss and turn.
"how long has it been, what was the time?" I thought to myself and decided to check the time once more '3.07am', great.

I turned my attention to John and couldn't help but admire him and I had to admit to myself, he was cute.

"Was he single? He must be, right? Staying here completely by himself.
Well, he had told me that he was a stand-up comedian, so if he was on some sort of tour, you'd think he'd bring his partner with him"
At least he wouldn't invite random girls to stay with him in his hotel room, no matter if it was just innocent behavior to help another one in need, like what John was supposedly doing."
My train of thoughts were interrupted as I felt a stir beside me, John sat up on his side of the bed and pushed the covers to the side making his way to the bathroom, I was laying completely still listening to his movements.

As he returned I peeked my eyes open and saw him putting away his computer, notebook, pen and reading glasses, before crawling back down underneath the covers, staring directly at me.
I quickly shut my eyes tight, hoping he hadn't noticed my peeping, while listening very carefully.

I felt John turning around and heard the sound of the lightswitch turning off, opening my eyes, I was met with nothing but the complete darkness.

Trying once again to fall back asleep, it nearly succeed until I was startled awake by John Sneezing.
"B-Bless you" I mannered to stutter out
"thanks" he answered
"who the Hell sneezes at night?"
John chuckled at that
"can't sleep either?" He spoke
"Well, not after that, my soul nearly left my body" I responded, while slightly chuckling as well

No one said anything after that for a while. My mind however was not quiet. Apparently I was really Horny, since I couldn't stop thinking about John... Fucking me, with his penis... In my vagina. Shit. Who was the pervert now?

"What did you say?" John asked me
"What? Did I say something? Oh my God, I don't know what I just said, just pretend to be asleep, pretend to be asleep" I thought to myself.
"Y/N you're talking out loud?" John sounded amused.
Apparently my brain and mouth cannot cooperate at night.

"Is everything okay?"
"Yea" I'm just really Horny
John froze "o-oh?"
"Yea, you did"
No response... Maybe I had finally got my shit together.
"A-are you... Uhm.. Do you want... You know... M-Me t- nevermind. I'm sorry"
"You to what?" I asked curiously
"Uh, n-nothing"
I sighed in disappointment.

However I decided to make my move, I had basically outed myself at this point, and maybe it was just me but he had sounded... Interested? I don't know.
I scooted closer towards John and let my hand rest on his stomach.
"Y-Y/N?" He didn't say it like a protest, it sounded... Needy?

"Is this okay?" I whispered
I felt John nod his head excessively.
I let my hand teasingly slide down his body, to the hem of his boxers, before going back up. This time underneath his t-shirt. Drawing gently patterns onto his stomach, pushing the shirt up further, before going back down again. This time I let my hand wander towards the front of his boxers and as they reach the destination they were searching I pressed my palm against him.
John let out a gasp and a moan.
I felt a tingly feeling in my neither regions at the sounds and I reached over him, to turn on the lights above him, I just had to see his face.

John shut his eyes at the light, but quickly got used to it and as he opened them again, he pulled himself up onto his elbows and met my hungry stare.
But as I went faster, palming him, he quickly shut his eyes again, throwing his head back against the headboard of the hotel bed.

I bit my lip and slowed down my hand, John turned his head to look at me ones again.
"Do you wanna fuck me, John" I asked him, in a low voice, while gently moving my hand towards the hem and underneath it, to feel his semi, flesh on flesh.
John bit his lip, before letting out a groan
"Fuck, Yea!" He growled and threw himself towards me connecting our lips in a hungry kiss. Minty. The first of many.