Untapped Power & Strangest Uprisings

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A couple days have passed as the training was going slow for the devils. While the Jedi learner was making his time to train the other devils, Vara's primary focus was Kiba and Issei. For Issei, it was to unlock his Sacred Gear abilities, while for Kiba, Vara was trying to guide him on how to feel the Force around him. 

Kiba was now excelling well at deflecting each shot with no sight as he then deflects one last bolt at the remote. 

Vara: Nice going. 

Issei: Dude, how can you do that?

Kiba: *takes off helmet* I don't know. But whenever my eyes are closed or blocked, I can somehow feel everything around me. You two, that tree, and even those ants.

Vara: That's the first step into a larger world, Kiba. 

Kiba: How hard was it for you?

Vara: It wasn't easy, that's for sure. Master Kota sure put me through the ringer. I've failed countless times, but failure is part of the adventure. 

Issei: .. I've been meaning to ask.. but you've been in space alot. What kind of planets are there that is different then the Solar System?

Vara: Well, there is the Unknown Regions, the Outer Rim Territories, and even the Mid Rim Territories. 

Issei: Is they're any.. uh.. other races then just humans?

Vara: Yeah. There is Wookies, Twi'leks, Togrutas, Sullustians, there's a lot of them in the galaxy and some are even undiscovered. Each one is friendly once you get to know them a little better. 

Kiba: This knowledge you give us makes it seem like the supernatural is just child's play. 

Vara: Trust me, I'm more shocked about the supernatural then you knowing about the galaxy. Speaking of which, it's almost dinner. We should head back.

The three boys all head back to the house as the sun was setting. Everyone was gathered at the table and were eating, while Vara was shocked to see food that was different then the one he eats. 

Asia: Vara, are you not going to eat?

Vara: No, I will. It's just... far different then the food I eat in space. Smells delicious too. 

Rias: Help yourself. 

Vara then takes a bite at his food and was now eating normally like the rest. 

Rias: I guess it's time that I finally ask... Vara, your culture is far different then any normal human or devil. May I ask what you are?

Vara: Well, you might have heard of this... but I'm a Jedi Padawan Learner. 

Rias: Still in training?

Vara: Yeah, I am... though it'll be much tougher now since... you know. 

Rias: Right, sorry. 

Asia: If I may, what are Jedi? Are they believers in God?

Vara: Well, not necessary. The Jedi are peacekeepers, but other then that they're mostly warriors of justice. 

Kiba: What are your abilities? It's not a Sacred Gear, and surely the laser sword you carry isn't either. 

Vara: This? *picks up saber* It's my Lightsaber. 

Kiba: ... Lightsaber?

Vara: They're weapons of the Jedi. It's not as clumsy or random as a blaster. 

He then stands up and ignites it, showing a sapphire color. 

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