how thay met

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It was a dark night the only thing that lit up the land was the moon. Stars twinkling its almost peaceful...
Too peaceful.

Edric and Emira wer planing a prink on all of bonesburrow what was the plan you may ask?
Thay wer going to poot the statue of the emperor on top of the big hill south of bonesburrow

It was the best prank yet! Well atleast to them.

Wen the siblings went to the statue something felt off to them. t was quite. No one was around. The ones thing that could be herd was drunk singing coming from the tavern just a few blocks away.

So thay thought it was safe. Or so thay thought cus little did thay know someone was watching them...
And sed serten someone has a golden owl shaped mask...

The plan was going swiftly. Thay finally managed to get the statue on to the cart. Emira went to go check if it was safe to take the statue up but wen she was gone something happened

The person went to capture edric. Edric didn't notice the fact that someone was running fool speed at him

Edric ternd around to see the golden gard running at him just before the golden gard jumped on him. Edric was confused cus. Why was this person he's never met now pining him to the floor.

The golden gard realised what position he was it right now and got of faster then light."now if you'd come with me blight I'll take you to the station so your parents can pick you up!" Little did edric notice but the golden gard was blushing.


Edric and Emira wer sitting wateing for there parents to pick them up Emira was found shortly after the insedint happened Emira saw the howl thing at she cept teasing edric about. To say the least he was very inbareist

The golden gard couldn't help but stay there to make shure there parents picked them up.

After a wile of wateing mis a Mr blight arrived and thay wer not impressed there was a bit of an argument

"For titans sake! You should know better then to vandalis the statu! You two are grounded for a month! And don't even think about sneeking out! I'll have the abominations watching you. And no funny dusiness!"

The golden gard thought it was not a bad punishment. If he even was late to work he'd have a worse punishment
And as he watched them being carried away buy a abomination he felt something in his stomach. It was almost like a worm was wiggling around in his stomach. Was it love?...

Hello I hope you liked this chapter and I am so sorry if there's any spelling errors. SEE YALL

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