the elbow 'hang out'

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It was early in the morning 7 am to be exact. The golden gard was leening on a tree wateing for edric. He was quite tired cus he was doing a mission really late last night so he fell asleep next to the tree.

*time skip to 11am*

Edric was wondering around looking for the night in gold as he likes to say. To be honest he did think of him as a night.

Luckily the elbow was quite small. So he found him really quickly. As he found the golden he noticed his hood fell down revealing silky blonde hair, but then he had the sudden erge to touch it,  so he did, it was soft like cotton but that moment was cut short buy the gard wakeing up and grabing his staff in a way of self defence.

Startled he gets up quickly pooting his hood back up. "I am so sorry! I didn't notice you there" he sess with inbareistment in his voice.

"No no it's alright I shouldn't of woken you up"
Thay both laugh it off both being inbareist

"So what do you want to do first?!"
The green haired boy asks with excitement.

"Uhh I guess wee couldgo get lunch it's almost lunch time anyway"

"Ok then! Let's go"

The to boys go to a cafe and have lunch thay talk about random stuff the golden gard send hints of liking edric

"Sooooo I never got your name.  What is it?"
Edric was interested to know what his name was. He didn't want to call him golden gard all the time!

"My name? Well it's hunter. Please don't tell anyone that it's supposed to be a secret"  hunter sed hoping edric won't judge.

"I won't tell anyone! It's a ho- I MEAN COOL NAME" Edric was really inbareist that he sed that. And hunter was not expecting that. And if anyone saw his face rn then all they'd see is a red tomato.

*at the end of the 'hang out'*

Hunter was walking Ed back to the blight mansion. Emira was on the balcony watching as edric and hunter walk up to the big house. Emira was good at telling wen people are falling in love. It's like a sooper power she has. But she could tell thay are in love but not out about it

As she watched the two of them chat and stall so thayd be together longer "GO GET A ROOM! " Emira sed that to try and get them to kiss or something. She wanted this to be a thing so bad!

" hay can yon not say that please? He's just... a friend. Yea! A friend!" Edric wished he didn't have to say that but he had to! It's the only way so she won't say anything to hunter.  Cus she would. If she wanted to tho.

"I hope we'll be more then friends..." hunter sed that just loud anuff so Edric could heer that. He must of heard it cus hunter could tell he was tense all of a sodden



and just like that he's gone. Edric was about to say wee will! But he didn't get the chance. He'll try again next time.

*at the Palace*

Hunter teleported to the front gates cuss he can't teleport into the actual building it's self. For safety and all. As he was walking in he herd a rucis happening down the hall so he went to check. It was steves birthday! He seemed really happy. Tomorrow was his retirement day aswell.

He noticed a boy run up to him with a gift. He had a boll cut it wasn't the nicest but he was happy. 'Is that steves son or something?'

It was late so he went to bed

*the next day*

Hunter was walking down the hall but herd some people talking about capturing a kid tonight. Something about them having a twin sister and green hair?

'Oh no'

HELLO ITS ME THE RIGHTER I hope you liked this chapter I'll make another one tonight hopefully and I know I know its a cliff hanger buuut if you like a bit of gayniss then you'll love the next chapter. Can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

(Sorry for any spelling errors)

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