feeling come flooding it

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Hunters pov:

I can't stop thinking about that guy. Something drew me to him. What was his name?. Oh yea! Edric god damit why is he the only person I can think about. Why am I like this? Am I like this what is this?.

Maybe if I talk to him then it'll stop. But how do I talk to him? The only whay I can is if I catch him doing something.

You know what? I'm just going to talk to him!

Normal pov:

Edric was walking around the market with Emira. She still wouldn't shut up about what happened 3 weeks ago. "I'm sooooo glad we're not grounded anymore that was hell!"

"So wen will you and that gard get a room ;)"
Emira would not stop teasing edric
And then edric answered with something that coght Emira off gard
"Maybe tonight?"

Emira's face was something else! Although edric couldn't deny it but. He did like the gard. Something 'happened' wen he pinned him down.

Edrics pov:

I disided to talk to the gard. Well wen I saw him ofcors
Wich would be soon

Normal pov:

The golden gard was running somewhere. Not looking ware he was going he ran onto edric luckily he didn't pin him down this time. Although he'd love to do that again. He didn't won't to make Sean

"H-hay! I am so sorryfor that!"
The golden gard had no idea how he was going to ask to hang out but he's just going to go with the flow.

"Nah its all good! Although if you really want to say sorry then... let's hangout! "
The golden gard was taken aback from that but he had to play It cool

"Uhh if you insist?"
Even though me had a cool act on he was freaking out on the inside (also if you see something like 'this' that is the persons thoughts)

'Oh my titan I can't believe he'd asked to hang out! Is that like asking me to date him?! I hope so!'
For all I can say the golden gard was really happy.

"So uhh I'll see you at the elbowof the titan?"

"See you there!"


and then he teleported away. All I can say is there was some 'dreams' ;) going on wall thay slept.

HELLO I hope you enjoyed this chapter ik it's short but oh well I'll update it some time tomorrow but until then BYEEEEEEEE!

(also sorryif there's any spelling errors)

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