wen poosh comes to shuv

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Hay there! I know this is a bit random that edric is getting hunted down (pun not intended) but trust me cos it will all make sense soon anuff! Anyway enjoy the chapter!

As hunter was flying everywhere trying to find edric panicking. And then he saw him just in time the other gards wer walking In his direction

The gards were about to see him but hunter ran and swooped edric around a corner (so this makes sense he basically huged edric and span into an alleyway I hope that makes sense)

"Hay! What was that fo-" hunter poot his hand over edrics month "look ill tell you everything later but you need to be quite" hunter sed in a quiet tone so no one els could heer.

Edric saw the gards  asking if thay had seen a green haired boy that had a purple coloured outfit and amber eye's

Edric stopped moving. Hunter thought it was cus he just found out that he was on the wanted list. But in reality it's cus hunter was basecly on top of him.

Thay both got up wen It was safe to go. "I'll walk you home ok?"


As the two boys walk dack to edrics house hiding every now and then. Hunter also told him why thay wer hunting him down. The reason being is because he was selling illegal fireworks to children.

"HAHAHAHA! Is that why?"
He laughs historically also crying at the same time

Thay make it back to the house it was quite late already 10 pm to be exact

"Well I have to go ill try and clear everything up for you. Also edric please stay out of sight till I say its safe ok?"



"Call me Ed it sounds better then edric. It's less formal"

As edric go's inside the house he looks back to see hunter has already gone. He wished he could of told him how he feels.

*3 days later*

Eds pov:

          It's been 3 days now and I haven't heard from hunter            I'm starting to get worried.

            Edric decided to text him to make sure he's ok

                                      edric: Hunter!

                               Hunter: yeah? You ok?

            Edric: yea I'm fine! Just making sure you're ok!
                              Hunter: oh yea in fine!


                   Hunter: also! You can go out now!
                                    Edric: how?!

                      Hunter: you don't want to know

                 Hunter: also look out your window!

Edric looked out his window to see the golden gard him self "AHH!" Edric screamed terefide he was at his window and seeing edric In his sleep ware (his sleep ware is a pare of boxers and a T shirt)

"I'll wait at the door"
Hunter sed with a inbareist tone

Soon later edric came out the door in his purple coloured outfit. Like alwase

"Soooo. Why are you at my house at 10pm?" He sed with a smug tone in his voice. You know trying to akt cool and all (haha swag)

"Ok so you wer poot on the wanted list cus you wer selling illegal fireworks to children and I pooled some strings so you can be free so yea. Also don't do that again. They will not be so  Negotiative"

"Uhh. Thank you" he sed with a sweet looking smile

"It's no problem!. I should go i have aloght of work to do. See you Sunday? It's my day off"  something seemed off about how he was acting. It's almost like he wants to say something but can't eh oh well

"Yea Shure I'd love to! See ya then"


and he's gone he's gone with a poof!

Hello again! 20 Reeds already WOOOHOOO thank you soooo much and if you have any suggestions for the next chapter please let me know!!! See you in the next chapter!

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