Chapter 5

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After hours of practicing Jack had to go so I decided to take the kids home, stopping for ice cream on the way, and finally getting home. All of them, except for Will, were out before we reached the house. I had to get two out at a time then I grabbed Arraya. Finally all of them except for Will were in their beds, asleep. Will and I were on the couch watching Big Hero 6 and eating some popcorn.

"Honey I'm home!" A familiar voice rang through out the house. I turned and saw Dylan O'Brien standing in the doorway.  I got up and hugged him.

"Long time no see!" I said pulling away from him.

He chuckled. "Yep, the rest of the guys are here too they're just getting some things from the car." He came in and plopped down on the couch next to Will. Will was too focused on the movie to even notice him.

"Where is my SuperGirl?" Dylan asked, talking about Arraya.

"She's asleep, a long day at the bookstore." I chuckled.

"Ah I see." He said. Will Poulter, Ki Hong, and Thomas walked in holding a couple suitcases.

"What's up with the suitcases?" I asked.

"Guess who's staying?" Will (P) said.

"You guys have to share a room!" I whisper yelled, I didn't want to wake up the kids.

"Why are you whispering?" Will (P) asked.

"Kids." I said. Thomas came over and pecked me on the lips.

"Hey babe." He whispered.

"Hey." I smiled and pecked his lips again.

"How long are you guys staying here for?" I asked Dylan.

He shrugged. "Only tonight, we couldn't find a decent hotel room."

"Ok." I smiled. Thomas sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. The movie ended and little Will finally came back to reality.

"Uncle Ki!" Little Will came running to him. He hugged him tightly.

"Mum?" Arraya came into the living room sleepily. She rubbed her eyes and saw Thomas sitting next to me.

"DADDY!" She yelled and jumped in his lap, hugging him. She looked around and saw everyone else.

"SuperGirl!!" Dylan cheered. Arraya laughed and jumped in his lap. He held her in high in the air. I chuckled and so did Thomas.

"Well I have to get back home." Ki said, "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Bye!" We all waved and he left shutting the door a little too loudly, waking up the twins. Mackenzie ran into Will (P) arms. It was really amazing seeing my children love Thomas and I's friends. Mark just wobbled up to me and I placed him on my lap.

I grabbed my phone.

"So what's for dinner?" Dylan asked.

"Pizza." I replied dialing the local Pizza place. I ordered two large pepperoni pizzas and set the table. Thirty minutes later our pizzas arrived and we all ate up while watching a film. The kids all had to go to bed at eight thirty, they had school tomorrow. Thomas, Dylan, Will (P) and I stayed up for a while and then decided to go to bed. Dylan and Will (P) shared our guest room. Thomas and I got ready for bed, me slipping out of my clothes and into one of his shirts. He laughed when he saw me in it. He was only wearing a pair of pajama pants, no shirt. God I loved his bare chest it was hot.

"Why do you always steal my clothes?" He asked lying down next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist bringing me closer to him.

"Because they're comfortable." I wiggled a bit and kissed his nose.

He scrunched his face up. "Well I don't like it because you look better in them then I do."

"That's why I wear them." I smiled.

He rolled his eyes and pecked my lips. "Goodnight, love you."

"Love you too." I said and he turned off the lamp.

            I couldn't get to sleep for the life of me. My mind was clouded with thoughts of Jack and I's song. I have to admit, he was really good at singing and it reminded me of when Thomas and I were at the cabin many years ago, when we first met. I was so weird and unsociable and just emotionally crazy back then. I remembered when it was our last day there and we had to say goodbye. That was hard, I have to admit, it was really hard seeing him go. I remembered the sadness and slight depression when we got home and I was in my room listening to Pandora and Photograph by Ed Sheeran came on and it just was one emotional day. Just remembering it brought tears to my eyes. I never wanted to leave him again. I want him to be by my side for the rest of my life. I wonder what he felt when we went our separate ways to our own homes. Was he sad? Was he happy that he got rid of me?

"Autumn?" Thomas asked in the dark.

"Yes?" I wiped the tears that had fell.

"Are you crying? What's wrong?" He asked, turning the light on then turning to face me.

"I... just... old memories I guess." I replied.

"About what?" He asked, bringing me closer to him.

"Us." I said honestly. "When it was the last day of our camping trip."

"What about it?" He asked.

"Did you miss me?" I asked.

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