Chapter 2

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A r i a.

“Hey there!” A chipper voice shattered my thoughts.

I similed even though my back was turned to her. I didn't have to look to know that it was my best friend, Rowan Jones. She was beautiful in every way.

She worked at the diner with my parents and me. We had become friends when I started school in this town. She was nice enough to show me the ropes. And, she was the only one who gave a shit about the lonely girl in English. She was the only one who had really ever stuck around when everyone else pretty much gave up on me. Even when she learned about my past.

“Hey Rowan.” I flashed her a small smile.

After yesterday, it was like a breath of fresh air to be around Rowan and her optimism. I was beginning to feel like it was hard to focus on anything for too long. I didn't have the energy just yet to begin the act. It was taking too much out of me and I didn't need to pretend things were okay with Rowan. She knew and she understood. 

I still couldn't believe that I let myself go back to those memories from so long ago. I let them smother me, and pull me back into their depths. I let them make me feel as if I didn’t come as far as I did.

Rowan’s hand waving in front of my face snapped me back to reality.

“Are you okay, Aria?" Her green eyes were masked with a look of worry.

I contemplated on voicing the problem, but I was tired of burdening others with my problems. All I seemed to do is complain about my troubles and I didn't want to be that girl. The one who could never get over her first real heartbreak. But she shot me with an impatient look and I began explaining to her that it was three years now since it all happened. Jonah Vincent had never even called. He could have been dead for all I knew. A letter or even a measly post-card would have been fine.

How do you go from claiming your undying love for someone, to abandoning them, without a trace? I shook the thought away, not wanting to get into this now. I spent too much time wrapped up in these thoughts and all they seemed to do was repeat themselves in my head. I knew I wasn’t going to get any answers.

Rowan, who was more like a sister to me in many ways than a friend, and she didn't need to say anything. Her dark, wavy hair and green eyes were gentle as she wrapped one arm around my shoulders. Right in this moment, I was so grateful for her. She always wore a smile and always knew what to say. She was a great friend, even when I couldn't be one for her.  She was always around to help out with the diner, and she never once questioned me when I would just stop what I was doing and leave, and wouldn't come back for hours. Or when I spaced out and stared off into the distance. She knew I was damaged. She knew I was healing. And most of all, she knew all the right words. She was my best friend for a reason.

“You know, you've got to let this go.” She said quietly as she smoothed my hair away from my face.

"I know, it's just... I feel like I'm floating in between the past, and the future. I know what I need to do but I don't know how. I've grown so used to thinking 'what if'." I told her honestly as I set the bin of dishes on the counter to fully look at her.

"If you want the future, you've gotta let it go." She said emphasizing the last words. She was right, but everything was easier said than done.

“By the way, dressing like this is not going to make you feel any better." Rowan said as she glanced down at my attire. Sweats and a t-shirt, and I was pretty sure my hair was in a sloppy bun.

"That hair..." She trailed off, laughing.

I knew she was trying to lighten the mood and I really had no choice but to laugh along with her. She lifted my rather greasy blonde hair with distaste and gave it a thoughtful look, as if pondering over something. Suddenly her face lit up like a Christmas tree. Nothing good can ever come from one of these looks. I sighed.

“After your shift, we're going out. No protests, please. I’ll drive you home so you can change. Oh! And for God’s sake Aria, do something with that hair!” She finished as she walked to go take another order.

Revelations (Formerly known as Promises and Lies (EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora