Chapter 39

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Thirty Nine.

A r i a.

I ran towards him, noticing for the first time that he was carrying his brother. He looked worn, weary and hungry. I could feel his hunger flare inside me. His eyes were focused on me, well more like my mouth. He could smell the blood from my lips.

I moved to the side and helped him get Darren inside the dry truck, never taking my eyes away from Daniel. It felt like if I did, then he would just disappear. And I didn’t know what I would do if he did. That feeling, of losing him was worse than any pain I had ever gone through. It was worse than death itself and I never wanted to feel like that again.

There was a shape forming in the distance behind Daniel. He was tired, so I positioned myself protectively in front of him.

“What are you doing?” He asked as I felt a surge of strength build up inside of me. It was invigorating. I could see sharper, smell better. I could hear their weary footsteps as they continued to stumble down.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” I snapped, my fangs extending and a growl escaping. Before I knew what was happening, Daniel was howling in laughter behind me. It was the first real laughter that I had heard in a while. It made me relax slightly, but I was still very aware of the approaching figure.

“That’s Jonah. And don’t worry. He couldn’t hurt me, even if he wanted to.” He said and suddenly his laughter ceased. His blue eyes grew wide and his posture became tense.

“What’s wrong?” I was too exhausted to decipher his thoughts. But I got a very clear image of the knife that Jonah pulled out of his arm.

A knife that was coated in vampire venom. The scent of it from Daniel’s memory made me scrunch my nose. It was weird, being able to experience a scent from someone’s memory. But this whole bond thing was weird.

“What are we going to do?” The questioned burned through my mind.

I was really losing Jonah. All the times I wished Daniel killed him and the times where I thought he was dead was nothing compared to this. All of three years, that I practically grieved for him was like nothing, because he was physically dying in front of my eyes.

Jonah was made with Darius’ blood. But that didn’t make him a pureblood. He wasn’t born into the family. His blood wasn’t pure. I stood up,  relaxing my stance but still jittering from nerves on the inside.

I could feel Dhalia’s nervousness from inside the car. Her energy was so strong and very prominent. I wasn’t stupid. I saw the way she acted around Jonah and him around her. I knew they had grown closer, and I didn’t mind as much as I thought I would. I didn’t feel the same about Jonah.

“We can’t do anything, Aria.” His eyes were filled with regret.

Neither of us wanted to break the news to her, but she had to know that Jonah was dying. Finally, I could see his entire form in the darkness. He was staggering to the truck, dripping from the rain. The blood was very much present, and its scent, affected with the venom was very strong.

Daniel walked over to him and hauled the door open, helping him into the truck beside Darren. Darren had a series of tubes protruding from his body, connected to large containers that were placed in the trunk. It was drawing out his tainted blood, and some tubes were replacing it with fresh blood. I could see that Darren was going to be okay.

But all of this happened, because they tried to get me out. Now that I was, was it worth it? People that I cared about were covered in scars, some still bleeding. Darren nearly died and Jonah is dying. Was my life worth the loss of theirs?

Revelations (Formerly known as Promises and Lies (EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora