chapter 1

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danger calls my name

jisung pushed his way to the front. his arms were wrapped tight around his body. it was bitterly cold outside. around him, people whispered as if they were afraid that someone was listening to their conversation or even trying to steal their thoughts.

next to the queue he and minho were in, strangers walked by; they shouted and pushed each other. a plume of alcohol trailed behind them. the night was young. it was time to let normal existence lie down and let go. and jisung fervently hoped he could do that at olympus.

"we can't get in there." he pressed out between his teeth. "yes, we can..." his friend grumbled and scanned the area. minho shook himself. even he seemed more convinced than jisung himself, though this had been his idea.

at the head of the line, one by one, people were sent home. his shoes were hurting because they were one size too small. but as it was with online shopping, jisung couldn't send them back; besides, they matched his outfit. so he lived with his squished feet. getting into the club was even more difficult than getting past the bouncers at berghain.

one more person was turned away. jisung's hopes sank further when he saw the model walking away. "no we won't, look." he pointed his head in her direction to minho.

the line moved forward and the whispering stopped for a brief moment. jisung stood on tiptoe and surveyed the line. it was almost their turn. he sank down into himself. "minho..." his friend's upper arm brought little comfort. "i look good, do i?"

minho pushed jisung away from him, muttering. "as always ji, as always..." minho smiled wryly at him. how half-hearted. as if trying to make it up to him, minho stroked his back. where the black leather from his top sprouted a hole. "jeez, your hands are cold." jisung fled from his touch. "honestly this was your idea. i won't give in next time, i really won't." minho began to play offended and turned his attention to something else.

more and more cold air pulled through the intentional, yet not comfortable holes from his shirt. apart from the fact that a whole sleeve was missing and the double belts around his chest and hips made it difficult for him to breathe. jisung tightened the strap around his bare biceps. if you want to be beautiful you have to suffer.

"next!" the two men flinched. despite his platform shoes, the bouncer was at least two heads taller than himself. jisung grew smaller under his piercing gaze. "ids!" his deep voice tinged, and the two hastily placed their cards in his hand. "hm..."

jisung dared a panicked sideways glance at minho, who was already looking at him. they couldn't lose their cool; any wrong move could mean rejection. jisung tried to make eye contact with the giant, but even through the sunglasses he was too intimidated. he preferred to inspect the cobblestones he was standing on. the silence grew more awkward by the second. jisung held his breath. another gust passed them by, making him shudder.

"okay... get in there." the man returned the cards and stepped aside. after a moment's hesitation, jisung nudged minho to step forward.

"i can' believe it.""me neither..."

they whispered among themselves until they arrived at the door. a porthole vaguely hinted at what was inside; jisung wanted most to press his face against the glass to see more.

"if we don't find each other again, we won't be searching. you just text me as soon as you can that you're okay. if you're not home tomorrow at least send me a picture of the lucky one will you?" minho's voice stopped him from his stupid thought. "ditto."

then minho opened the door for him. as soon as it fell shut behind the two, the rhythmic pounding of a deep bass hit his ears. "holy shit..." the hallway was elegant, with smooth black panels on all the walls; leds flashing between them. excitement formed in his chest all at once, literally overflowing as he strode deeper into the room.

dionysus : binsung ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora