5 • Black Rose

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"And I crave you.
Not like an addiction.
But an obsession.
I guess that's the best way
To describe it.
I'm not obsessed.
But I love you,
Everything about you."



Takemichi was sure that he had finally gone crazy. He didn't know how many times he had looked at the woman who was sitting on a velvet chair in front of a fire place while petting a cat behind the jail bars. Lady Y/N had indeed, without a doubt, turned herself in to the authorities. He couldn't ever forget the sight of the Lady, holding out both of her arms in front of Naoto, ready to be cuffed and dragged to the police station. And as soon as they arrived at the station, the Lady immediately demanded her jail to be personalized as she pleases and the authorities had no choice but to oblige seeing the high-demand fugitive standing in front of them, cuff-less, and asking to be thrown inside a jail. Well not really thrown, more like, as gently as possible, brought inside a jail cell. It was safe to say that the other authorities were just as confused as the two. It was just so odd that Takemichi's mind had short-circuited and could not function properly. 'Just what the heck is going on?!'

"You have been constantly staring at me. Is there something you would like to talk about?" Takemichi was snapped out of his thoughts. Lady Y/N wasn't facing him, yet she was aware of Takemichi's movements. 'Does she have eyes on the back of her head or something?'

"Not really. I'm just... really confused of your actions." Takemichi said as he scratched the side of his head. He was truly clueless. Takemichi took a deep breath before he spoke, he couldn't take it anymore. He wanted answers. "Lady Y/N, would you mind if I asked a couple of questions?" "No, I'll be doing the questioning here." Y/N didn't even get the chance to reply to Takemichi as a rough voice coming from a police man rang throughout the prison cell. The police man was quite tall and buff. He had boring features that neither the author or you, would like to know about.

"Minamoto Y/N. We finally caught you." The Lady inside the cell did not reply. "You, boy, go out. I'd like to talk to this crazy bitch right here." The police man said as he gestured at the door, urging the black-haired man to go out. As Takemichi stood up and was about to walk away, he immediately sat back down at the words that were ordered to him. "Sit down." Takemichi looked at the police man with a pleading look. If you were to ask Takemichi, he would rather disobey the orders of the president rather than your orders.

"Who do you think you are, Minamoto Y/N?!" The police man yelled, agitated at what Takemichi had just did. Of course, he was a prideful piece of shit after all. Seeing as how he was the police man yet someone dared to disobey him because of a mere woman who was sitting behind bars, his pride took quite the damage. "Heh. Handing yourself out the authorities. You really are one insane bitch. You deserve the death penalty that will soon be giv-" "Hanagaki-san, can you call Tachibana-san and ask him to bring a cup of tea? I am quite famished you see." "You-!" The police man finally had enough, "Bitch! I will kill you right here, right now! A lunatic like you doesn't deserve to live!" He yelled as he brought his gun out and aimed it directly on the back of the Lady's head. Takemichi immediately panicked, if Y/N dies he wouldn't get the answers he needed! So he did the first thing that came into his mind, and that was to block the direction of the gun with his own body. "Sir, Please don't!", Takemichi yelled. "Move outta' the way kid! This maniac has been getting into my nerves since earlier. She doesn't deserve to live!" The police man yelled back as he kept his gun pointed at Y/N's direction, but was blocked by Takemichi's body. The two momentarily stopped as they both heard a disappointed sigh from inside the jail cell.

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