11 • Germanium

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"The love of sibling is the most unconditional love of all. It is pure and loyal. A love without demand, without expectations or pretense."

-Anoir Ou-Chad


Sadness and fear, it was the growing emotion that was slowly budding itself inside the heart of Minamoto Y/N. An unstoppable grief that was creeping up into her soul and slowly consuming her whole. "4 days more... And after that, I will finally lose my freedom...", she said to no one in particular as she sighed deeply.

It was terrifying to think what was about to come. Her entire life, she was given a lot of freedom. But "a lot" doesn't necessarily mean she was free for there were a lot of restrictions. It was as if she was a bird soaring through the air freely, but that freedom blinded the bird from the fact that it was inside an enclosed space and it can only fly within it and never go outside its boundaries.

She was free but never really 'free'.

The lady could only sigh for the umpteenth time of the day.

"Nee-san, you okay? You've been sighing a lot."

Y/N couldn't even help herself but sigh once more to the question, unsurprised of the sudden appearance of her brother.

"You're getting better and better in sneaking"

"Sorry, what was that, nee-san? I didn't hear you."

The older sister could only groan in reply.

Kyoshi let out a chuckle as he approached his sister who was laying by the fountain. The boy noticed that it was something that the lady likes to do.

He sat just right beside his sister's head as he looked over to where her gaze was lingering at, confused because he could only see a potted plant.

"Nee-san... what are we looking at?" Kyoshi asked in confusion. Genuinely curious to know what's so interesting about the plant that her sister has been looking at for minutes.

"Just look at how pretty the plant is. Its leaves are green and bright. And not a single leaf is withering. But if you look closely, the vase is about to break. It cannot hold the plant anymore."

Indeed, it couldn't.

Kyoshi didn't even notice it but it was true. If you look close enough, one could see the cracks on the bottom of the pot and the white paint that was chipped. If the plant grows even more, sooner or later, it was bound to explode and break the pot.

But Kyoshi couldn't understand what was so interesting about that. He wanted to ask but his older sister was quicker to change the subject.

"Well anyway, do you have plans for today Kyo? You're dressed up.", she asked as she looked up to look at her brother who was readily dressed to go out.

"Mhm. I'm going out nee-san, if that's okay. As usual, I promise that I'll be home before dinner."

Suppressing another sigh, Y/N nodded in reply. It wasn't like she wanted to stop her brother from going out if he wants to. She could, yes, but her heart would never deprive her brother of such.

"Alright, take care, Kyo."

"I will, nee-san."

The older sister watched the figure of her brother slowly disappearing from her sight. "He's growing up so fast...", she could only mutter to herself.

She was very well conflicted with the matter at hand; however, Y/N couldn't help but be proud of how her brother has become. He became independent and strong, just like how she wished he would become when they were young. It made her feel at ease at least that she could rely on her younger brother to finally be free and break himself off from the chains that were restraining them their whole life. Even if it meant to lose her own freedom, Y/N was willing to do anything, anything for her beloved brother.

"I'm glad."


Minamoto Kyoshi, the youngest member of the Minamoto family, as well as the beloved brother to Minamoto Y/N.

Kyoshi loves his older sister dearly.

Which is why he does this.

The young boy found himself right by the doorstep of an illegal gambling club, a place that he can considerably call his second home for how much time he spends here rather than the confines of the Minamoto manor.

"Yo! Riku!", a young man with bleached blond hair called out to him.

Kyoshi has joined the club under the alias "Hakata Riku" in fear that if he were to reveal himself as someone who belongs in the Minamoto family, his older sister who bears the same last name might be targeted for the consequences of his actions.

"Ye' seriously gon' still wear that stupid mask?", the blond boy pointed at the mask hiding the face of Minamoto Kyoshi.

"Yeah, sorry man. It just feels uncomfortable without it.", Kyoshi said, fixing the mask on his face.

"Tss. Whatever. You gon' need to come inside now. The bastard Igura wants a rematch with ya'. He's been ramblin' on 'bout how you need to give back what ya' stole from him."

Kyoshi made an expression of annoyance behind the cover on his face. "He's still stuck on that? Whatever, I'll just beat him again as usual."


Minamoto Kyoshi whistled to himself as he counted the bills he collected for the day. Bills that he collected from stupid mindless gamblers that dared bet against him. Including that stupid Igu... whatever his name was who never seemed to learn his lesson.

"Tsk. This isn't enough.", Kyoshi muttered to himself upon counting the total amount of money he collected. "This won't be enough for nee-san, I need to earn more-"

His mutterings were abruptly stopped when he collided with another boy's body, leaving them both to stumble on the ground.

"The fu-"

"Ack- sorry-"

Upon recovering, Kyoshi looked up only to see another boy that looks like around his age. The boy was able to recover and he immediately stood up.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking at where I was going. Are you okay?", the boy said as he approached Kyoshi, lending out his hand to help the boy.

Kyoshi only looked at the hand before helping himself up. "I'm fine, don't worry about it.", he says, patting his pants to remove the dust.

"Well-", the stranger boy started but he wasn't able to continue what he was about to say.

"Oh? I seem to have found my prey. Hakata Riku."


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