10 • Lily

14 2 0

"It’s perplexing how family members claim their undying love for us. They can say whatever they choose, but their actions and behaviors don’t match their words. There is an imbalance in the relationships with distinct discrepancies, especially in who overpowers the scapegoat."

-Dana Arcuri


With careful steps and labored breaths, Minamoto Kyoshi had managed to exit the study of the mansion without being caught by any of the maids. Entry to the study without being granted permission by Mr. and Mrs. Minamoto was strictly prohibited in the house but for unknown reasons, the youngest child of the Minamoto family has entered the room in secrecy.

"Kyo? What are you doing?" Minamoto Kyoshi's soul almost jumped out of his body when he heard the voice of his oldest sister just right beside him. "Did you just enter the study?"

Kyoshi slowly turned his head to face his sister who had her eyebrow raised and her arms crossed, already looking at him.

"Nee-san, hello!... You won't tell mother and father, right?", Kyoshi said in a panicked state and with trembling lips for being caught in the act.

Y/N was silent for a moment before responding, "Of course not, brother. But what were you doing in the study? And what is that you're holding?", she asked after noticing the clothed item that her brother was tightly gripping behind his back.

At that point, Kyoshi was already visibly sweating. He had the perfect lie orchestrated in his mind but he couldn't bring himself to lie. Not to his favorite beloved older sister at least.

"I... It's...", Kyoshi stumbled in his words which let out a sigh from his older sister. "Nevermind, you don't have to answer that Kyo, don't worry. I'm not trying to pry into your personal life. However, just please make sure that whatever that is won't get you into trouble, okay? I won't tell anyone.", his older sister smiled at him reassuringly which brought comfort to his heart and calmed his nerves. "Yes, sister."

"Okay, good. After you're done with that, come join me for breakfast.", Y/N said with a smile before heading towards the dining room, leaving Kyoshi standing on the hallway, still tightly gripping on the item he was carrying.


Heading to the dining room, Y/N's smile faltered as she walked with a troubled mind. Lately, she's been noticing how her youngest brother had been acting oddly. Early in the morning, Kyoshi would always be missing, going to who knows where, and then coming back home late in the afternoon.

There wasn't any problem at first. She thought that the teenage boy was just out doing his teenage activities and it didn't seem like he was doing drugs or participating in any dangerous behaviors so she let him be, not wanting to be a helicopter sister and be too protective over her younger brother and she didn't want to pry into his brother's personal life. But lately, Y/N started to notice some changes over her brother's behavior and sometimes, she would catch her brother sneaking through the hallways and carrying something.

Her brother's secretive behavior was starting to bother her but nonetheless, she thought of how Kyoshi is probably going to be disappointed at her if she sticks her nose over his business so she chose not to do anything yet, but observe and only step in if it's absolutely necessary.

Y/N sighed as she sat on her chair in the lonely dining room with no people other than herself and the maids serving her food.

"Good morning Lady Y/N, your breakfast today is Ogura Toast, Miso Shiru, and sliced watermelons. Enjoy your meal, my lady.", the maid politely bowed before walking away and completely leaving the lonely girl eating in the living room.

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