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𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑂𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑎𝑘𝑒


We were ready to go in our class but we don't wanna left the girls behind, so as gentlmans, we waited for them outside their room as if like we shouldn't. "What took them so long?" Hugo complained, rolling his eyes and folding his arms "Girls are always girls" Fred added, sighing "Let's just wait for them okay?" James said in calm tone voice, the tone dad owns.

The door creeked open, grabbing our attentions as the girls walk out. Just as Hugo was about to say something, her sister cutted him off knowing he's gonna complain "as if like you aren't like us, you boys also took quiet a lot of time getting ready too" the girls behind her smiled and chuckled simultaneously. The rest of the boys laughed, both of them just reminded us on how  Hermione and Ron fights "Geez, you don't have to include the rest of us rose" Louis said and we followed them heading to our class which is potions. I actually heard this professor dad has told me, It's Severus Snape I guess? but he died which is really really bad.  Albus! Remember he has his last name in your second name, how can you not know about him?

We entered the room and glad we aren't late. Few students were there, commonly muggles. None of us are bothered seeing muggles students here, it's just Ezekiel who is trying so hard to act as Uncle Draco. Well, Uncle Draco is so cool to be honest, I wonder where's his kids studied cause if they're here, I don't mind being friends with them even tho our parents is not in good terms at the past. "What are you thinking?" Roxanne whispered and slightly leaning forward "Oh nothing, I just suddenly came up in the thoughts where Malfoy's kids might possibly be right now" She gave me a confused face and laughed slightly "Why are you thinking of that?"

Her eyebrows furrowed and has this smile of her "I don't know either" I uttered and smile. We stopped chit chatting as soon as the professor entered. He's new since our last professor in potion class suddenly backed out. Wait..he looks a bit like prof. Snape, are they related? Is he a slytherin? "Hello students! I will be your new professor in potions and my name is Magnus Exsen"

Some students chuckled was heard, I don't know what they were referring, is it his face? Or his name? "His name sounds like a spell" a student whispered, but loud enough for us to hear. I bet he wanna die early "this student is insane" Lily, my sister whispered and lean near me. I stared at her and chuckled softly. "YOU! DETENTION!" The professor shouted and pointed at the male gryffindor student that was supposedly the one making fun of his name. Everyone was staring at him, obviously he's the center of attraction now. Well, I hate that, it's humiliating for me.

Guess the new prof was really alike to Snape. I bet they're related to each other cause he looks like he's a slytherin. We payed attention to every single detail and instruction he tells us, maybe all of us are afraid of failing this class. We made a potion with a very quiet and peaceful surrounding, not even a single whispers are heard. But anyways, we did it all correctly which is really amazing, I guess we passed this one cause he said were starting from the easy one so this possibly means we could do step by step but the difficulty would be advance. Oh no, I'll be dead.


After the very exhausting and nervous wrecking class, we exited and walk straight to the Great Hall to eat. I sat beside Molly as the boys sat across us. From the other table were some fellow gryffindors and the other side is ravenclaws like Freya Longbottom, Lorcan Scamander, Evryn Chang, Larry Finnigan, Lucy, and Victoire along with Lily and Rose . While the table behind us was occupied by the scumbags, Ezekiel and his variety of rascals. Well he's a slytherin obviously, but none of us knew who are his true parents, they just said his parents are pure slytherins.

I stared blankly at Hugo and remained stiff, he was munching all the foods in his plate like there's no tomorrow. "Did you guys let him ate his breakfast?" Molly asked pointing at Hugo. The boys nodded with a serious face "I guess it wasn't enough for him" Fred answered and laughed. Louis stared at him with a disgust face and rolled his eyes. Shesshh we really do have different personalities but one of us had that one thing that are likely the same..it's our visuals of course! We all kinda look the same since we're all cousins except for Leo and Alexa but we already include them as our family.

We ate quickly and admired how the food taste that good. The new professor, Denivan, Huxley Denivan, noticed that everyone finished their foods so she ordered to take away the foods and let them cleanse it. She is kind, but her face is strict which is why I'm still kind of nervous whenever she's around. The boys head already to their next class including lily and rose but Albus remain with me, well I asked him to at least follow me to the lake cause earlier when we were walking to our potion class, I noticed that something was glowing at the water. (Oh My God guys I was about to ship Roxanne and Albus but I freaking forgot they are cousins lmao) (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

"Are you sure about this Rox?" He asked, sounding nervous while looking around "Chill Al, we aren't gonna swim in the lake, we're just gonna watch if there's truly something glowing in there" I said trying to calm him down. We were now at the lake, lastly checking our surroundings if there's a student that might caught us but it's all clear. "Look!" I pointed at the emerald shiny light that was grabbing my attention. It's at the lower part of the lake and I guess it's huge cause the light is still visible, it's impossible if that's a reflection

"What could that be?" He asked, looking at it and glance at me at the same time "We'll find out tomorrow"


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