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𝐶𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑇𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑒

When the class was finished, they went out to go to their next class "I was way more energized today" Hugo said "Same to me" Roxanne said

"That was really magical" Fred exclaimed. There next class is astronomy. Astronomy was there new subject and the student really liked it since they were taught about their horoscopes, the moon, the stars, etc. "Shoot I forgot, we still have to go to the library to search some info about the  gemstone" Roxanne suddenly said and everyone, everyone was surprised about the fact that they also forgot about that one

"Oh right, I was also gonna say something about that last night" Albus scratched his nape. Everyone was glancing at each other with those looks. Yupp, they're skipping classes again. They walked going to the library, passing to some slytherins who were giving them dirty looks. "pathetic" Sienna mumbled and rolled her eyes seeing them.

They knew they're dead once Professor Denivan would know they're not going to her class. A student from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, Tanya and Levi were looking at them as they walk fastly to the library "They're retrieving the points in each of our houses aren't they?"

They tiptoed to the library and it was a right timing since no one was there. "Alright, let's scattered up and search a book about stones and gems okay?" James said and everyone nodded. They searched for it by pair, James and Roxanne, Albus and Alexa, Hugo and Lucy, Leo and Rose, Lysander and Lily, Fred and Dominique, Louis and Molly, and, Lorcan and Freya. "Hey, it was nice having you two back here again" Albus said to Alexa as they were searching through the books "Yeah, we missed all of you here that's why we decided to go back" she said "Uhm about the gemstone, do you also have one just like what Leo wore?"  Alexa averted her gaze on him and showed her necklace "this one?" Albus immediately covered his eyes, cause as expected it's glow is so strong.

"Why are you covering your eyes?"  "That gemstone's glow is hurting my eyes" Alexa hid it immediately and she was confused "Why aren't you and Leo isn't affected on it's glow?" Albus asked her "I don't, it's glow is mesmerizing for us"  "The gemstone we found is exactly just like that but it's glow is bearable so let's hurry up and find the book" Alexa agreed and scan through the whole row.

"Why are we exactly looking for a book that contains information about gemstones and crystals?" Lysander asked, still looking for the book "Because we have no idea about what's this stone we found on the lake" Lily said "Can I see what it looks like?"  Lily sighed, lazily reaching inside her robes to get the stone and showed it to Lysander. She closed her eyes and so did he, who was not expecting it at all "That thing is deadly" Lysander dramatically said, still closing his eyes. Lily shook her head in disbelief and returned the gemstone back in her pocket "You can open your eyes now" she said and continued on searching

"If mom knew about this, I'm seriously dead" Lorcan said "Me neither but, this is something necessary so better hurry up finding that book" Freya said. Lorcan picked up a brown dusty book that was entitled 'Crystals and Magics' "I think I found it" he said, grabbing Freya's attention. She grabbed the book and scan some few pages "Guys! Lorcan found it" she shouted, audible enough to hear. Everyone peeked on each of the rows and they immediately suited theirselves on the chair. Freya placed the book in the middle of the table, still close.

"Open it" Rose said as they all glance at each other "you open it" Albus demanded "no, you open it" " no! Lysander should open it" "why me? She should open it" they started to point out and pushing each other to open the book, obviously they're scared that a spell might be casted on it.

"Let me open it" Alexa insisted, opening the book without any hesitations. She flipped through the pages and stop when it was already about gems "I think it's this one" James pointed out an image of a dark green gem "that's probably it" Roxanne mumbles. They read the information out loud and was shocked afterwards. They all glance at each other, fear glimmering onto there eyes "E-emeralds? Emeralds are one of the cursed gemstone?" Lily hesitated to ask, her voice cracked at the very last part. They immediately close the book, Alexa and Leo stared at each other, caressing their emerald necklace as they seemed to be so clueless. "I-I don't understand why they're cursed? My necklace was pretty harmless all this time" she spoke and everyone stared at her worriedly

"We still don't know if this is true or not, how about let's test it" Roxanne said, lifting their faces up "Yeah great idea" Lorcan and Freya agreed "okay everyone get your wands and let's say it together" they all did what Roxanne said to them "But aren't our parents gonna get mad on us?" Molly asked "If the professors would found out about this, you know all of us could be dead" Hugo blurted out "they won't found out if we'll be careful" Lucy said, which they thought she had a point there

"Exactly, let's cast a light spell, it's written here that spells that was casted in an emerald will come out if it's exposed to an extreme light" Everyone agreed and took out there wands, they formed a circle and held into each other's hand that was not occupied "remember, if anything happens, cast your patronus immediately, understood?" Albus reminded them and they nod

They raised there hand and said "LUMOS" in unison. The whole library was lighten up, the emerald started to shake and looks like it was about to explode "this is a bad idea" Hugo mumbled. The emerald broke off into tiny pieces and a black smoke came out of it, what scares them is that a shadow of a cobra comes out

They panicked and ran away from the emerald. Sienna was the last one to move and the cobra immediately went to her, she was so frightened that all she could do was to bend down and hide on her knees. The cobra attacked her but a green cast was stopping the cobra, it did the same thing but it still couldn't touch Sienna "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Scorpius didn't hesitated and his patronus, a scorpion quickly went to the cobra

The rest took it as an advantage to also cast there patronum "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" their patronus came and fought with the cobra, which led them to victory, the cobra shadow vanished and shattered into pieces. They immediately went to Sienna out of concern "Are you okay?" Leo/Scorpius asked and held her hand "I'm fine" she reassured a smile to show the others that she's truly fine "How did that happened? Why can't the cobra hurt you?" Roxanne asked "Did you casted a protection spell?" Dominique spoke "no, I was too frightened to even cast a spell" Sienna mumbles

"Then were did that shield come from?" James wondered, everyone was also confused. Lysander walks in front of Sienna and caress the shimmering emerald necklace of hers "I wonder it came from here" he said "I guess you're right, Leo and Alexa's emerald necklace didn't lighten up when we casted a light spell, then it means that both of your necklaces are harmless since it doesn't have spells in it" Molly gave a comment and everyone agreed to it. Sienna and Scorpius glanced into each other, hoping that there emerald wouldn't give them a hint that they're a malfoy

"Does that mean that this necklace protects us?" Scorpius asked and glance on Sienna "That's what we thought"  "Why don't we try it" Sienna said, making everyone confused "Try what lex?" Rose asked out of confusion



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