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𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐴𝑑𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝐺𝑒𝑚𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑒


We were nervous a minute ago since Fred took a lot of time to come out from the water but thankfully he did. "Did you got it?" He showed us the stone and it was quiet not what we expected. We expected it's small, just like a coin but actually it's size fits right exactly on our palm. We won't get a hardtime hiding this one cause we can just easily hide this in our hands but the problem is, it's glow is too visible.

"We'll go to the library tomorrow and read about gemstones, okay?" Roxanne said to us and we agreed. We can't go to the library at this moment since it's really quiet and I bet if we make a noise, it will echo. "So, who can keep this one? I can't have this with me since I forgets things mostly all the time" a soaked fred said. Everyone glanced at each other, waiting till someone would insist to keep it. "I'll keep it" Rose, my sister, grabs it and hid it in her pocket. At this moment, we aren't wearing our robes cause we're supposedly going to sleep but yeah.

"Keep it and handle it with care Rose" Albus said to her. We decided to go back to our houses and sleep, our mission number one had already accomplished.


Sienna ran going to their house, opening the door quickly as soon as she got contact to it. She wiped the tears that was streaming on her face and breathed heavily. She opened her brother's room and entered "Hey Brother, I'm sorry I haven't bought you a burito, they said they ran our of ingredients" she lied, looking down. "It's okay sis, you don't have to worry about it" He lifted her chin up only to see her eyes were red and puffy, obviously from crying.

"Wait, are you crying?" He asked, worry and care was defining his voice. She shook her head and flash a fake smile but her brother knew everything about her, especially how she fake her happiness. He didn't bother to ask more but hug her tightly, patting her back to ease her but she cried even more.

"Hey son have yo-" Draco barge in to ask something but his expression changed as soon as he saw his first born crying. The two pulled together as sienna hugged her dad, letting out all the pain. "What's wrong dear? Did someone hurt you?" Draco asked, caressing her hair gently. "P-people here are t-traitors" She sobs, her voice was weak and her eyes were very puffy. Draco and Scorpius understood what happened, Sienna seems amorous. She pulled from the hug, wiping away the tears and fixed herself "Dad, I'm sorry" she said softly, her head lowered "Why are you apoligizing darling?" He asked, patting the back of Sienna and let her sat at the edge of the bed.

"I accidentally showed them my wand and used it as a self-defense" Her brother stand up, probably thinking of revenge but Sienna stopped him, not wanting to get him into trouble. "You don't have to apologize about that, we are true witches and wizards, we are free to use our powers and do what we want" Draco's face turned into a soft one, explaining to Sienna everything about their identity. "I wanna go back to hogwarts"

Draco and Scorpius' eyes met and averted their gaze towards her. "Are you sure?" Scorpius asked, receiving a big yes from Sienna.


I felt disappointed on myself, for letting my daughter feel this pain, for being so careless on her. I suddenly thought about the curse, the curse they've always been waiting and the curse I never wanted her to have.

I told the two to pack there stuffs immediately so by night, we will go to the train station directly. "Give these to the two" Mom barged in in my room and holding something shiny. "What is that mom?" I asked "This is an heirloom, give this to Sienna and Scorpius so they'll be protected anytime" She placed it in my palm and folds my finger, to secure it.  "Okay mom" I nodded and immediately walk to Scorpius' room. I knocked twice and it opened, he was packing his stuff and now wearing a gryffindor robe. I badly wished they'd wear a slytherin robe. "Need something dad?" He asked, glancing on me while he packed his things

"Come here" He quickly stand up in front of me as I wore the necklace unto his neck and locked it, it's glow is shimmering our eyes, making us look away. "What is this?" He asked, hiding the necklace in his vest as the glow finally faded away "It will protect you when someone tries to hurt you" He smiled and thanked me. Now the other one for Sienna

Her room wasn't closed and she was also packing her stuffs, her hair changed into brown instead of blonde and she's wearing a gryffindor robe just like Scorpius. "Sienna" I called her and she turned around and walk near me "I can't wait to go back" She uttered and smiled "Me too but before that, I want you to have this" I showed her the necklace but I was confused cause instead of her looking away from it's glow, she stared at it without even blinking "Sienna it's bad for your eyes" I hid it but she seems unbothered "I love it" she exclaimed. She's just really different and very tough enough, same as me. I finally locked it in her neck and hid it in the vest she's wearing, admiring how nice it looks on her "What is this dad?" She asked, gripping the chains of the necklace "It's an heirloom, this will protect you at any cost"

She nods and get herself back on packing. I left her room and pack as well.


The sun started to arise, making us fully awake. "Let's get ready to class" Rose mumbled, pulling my wrist. I stood up and walk to the bathroom to change my robe, a ravenclaw. Rose came in, fixing her tie and her hair "Where did you put the gem?" I asked her "here" she patted her robe pocket and smiled. She's really trustworthy, we all know that, rather than trusting Hugo. "Let's go?" She asked and I nod, we walk out from our common room and head to our first class, herbology. Rose is the person I usually spend my time since we have the same house and we only have often classes with gryffindor students but both of us always finds way to be with our friends.

"Good Morning students" Professor Ryaclein(insert british acc) greeted, we greeted back as well as a warm morning smile "I want you to take a look at these flowers" She stood behind the table where the different pretty plants was placed. The students started to whisper and chatter, admiring how the plants look exactly different. "Silence" Everyone turned silent and payed attention "This is a dandelion, this will give you power and will lead you to the happiness you've been longing for" She pick up the dandelion and showed it clearly to us.

I'm really quiet obsessed with it now, not it's benefit but the plant itself. Professor proceeds and introduced us some more plants that is really useful. Yarrow, it's a plant that is used for love, protection, and healing spells. It's a lot right? I listed everything about the plant and kept it in my mind incase if there's a situation where I needed these plants.


Harry Potter: The Newest Generation and The Mysterious GemstoneWhere stories live. Discover now