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As a trigger warning, there will be discussions and reference to sensitive topics including: sexual situations, abusive relationships. Also some foul language and cursing.

I don't think that any of the idols in relationships in my stories are actually dating in real life, but I will be using them for visualization purposes, especially in this au. 

This should go without saying, but I want to say that this is entirely fiction. There will be a few references to real life; mainly in a few albums, songs, Korean culture, Dispatch, and one or two K-dramas. 

And to clear everything up, yes, inspirations are taken from Beauty Inside, Her Private Life, True Beauty, James Bond, and that's it! It's still an original story of mine, so no plagiarism please!

If none of the above sound like your cup of tea, thanks for making it this far, but there's a door waiting for you.

and on to the cast! 

butterfly ⑈ vsooDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora